Wednesday 12 June 2024


THE RKI-PROTOCOLS - PART 5 - A very important statement from Prof. Stefan Homburg : This was utter nonsense, disproportionate, basically a kind of coup and high treason.

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A very important statement from Prof. Stefan Homburg :

Here is the very accurate translation from German to English :

“ Anyone who is not blind can see the crucial point from several passages in the protocols, namely that the ministry had specified the danger level. And that the RKI was a kind of health press office that was supposed to make this politically specified situation plausible to people. So it was all complete nonsense, disproportionate, basically a kind of coup and high treason. ”

Source : Suavek`s Telegram Channel :


Original statement in German :

Jeder, der nicht blind ist, sieht aus mehreren Stellen der Protokolle den entscheidenen Punkt, nämlich dass das Ministerium die Gefahrenlage vorgegeben hat und dass das RKI eine Art Gesundspresseamt war, das diese politisch vorgegebene Lage dann den Leuten plausibel machen sollte. Es war also alles ein kompletter Nonsens, unverhältnismässig, im Grunde nach Art Putsch und Hochverrat.


An Austrian MP, Gerald Hauser, wrote on his Telegram on June 12, 2024 :

Source :

That's exactly how it was. And it didn't happen any differently in Austria.

We demand: publication of all Corona protocols in Austria!

A complete clarification is only possible with the FPÖ and Herbert Kickl!


Other Video by Prof. Stefan Homburg / in English :

Source :


Related article :


Prof. Stefan Homburg`s channels :

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