Tuesday 18 June 2024


Telling the Good Guys from the Bad - Part Two

Learning Who and What to Trust

My patient had just read a new article - purportedly about how a UK man had died of a Vitamin D overdose. He asked my opinion.

Having freshly read Dr. Marik’s book on Cancer Care and in particular the referenced studies on Vitamin D, and how overdosage was exceedingly rare, I immediately suspected this was propaganda. 

It reminded me of the false stories about emergency rooms backing up with overdoses of Ivermectin. Or the man who drank aquarium cleaner containing chloroquine and died. Stories designed to turn the average citizen against generally safe drugs that could prove life-saving. Now today, we know the stories that set out to torpedo Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were false, and as Dr. Pierre Kory so eloquently explained in his book, were designed to promote Big Pharma’s expensive drugs by denigrating the cheap and effective repurposed drugs that included Vitamin D.

Whenever I see patently false or misleading stories published with the goal of misdirecting the public, I look to the source, and ask a question. Who is supporting this publication? And is this source or supporting source sociopathic or psychopathic?

With black propaganda, it is more difficult to ascertain the source, and it is intentionally hidden. Examples include the BBC’s broadcasts to German citizens during WW II where they pretended to be Nazi stations. However, they nevertheless gained the confidence of many Germans that they were authentic, and then proceeded to deftly sow the seeds of doubt about the Nazi movement and subtly undermine their followers. That is precisely what we notice today as even members of our Freedom Group sow the seeds of fear and futility as they pretend to proclaim truths about repurposed drugs.

As many know by now, it is not always easy to separate the good guys from the bad.

In 2017, I wrote an unpublished book about just that - how to recognize evil. It has since served me well as I strive to separate the chafe from the wheat during the Pandemic and its aftermath.

Keep in mind that sociopaths cannot easily hide who they are. When they appear in a group, they are charming and engaging. They speak with a silver tongue and fool most. They generally are attractive and popular. 

Making a Murderer:

Think of the popular Netflix series, Making a Murderer. This created a movement to free the affable Steven Avery, the man who was wrongfully convicted and incarcerated for a previous crime.

Following his release, he was accused of a subsequent crime, the murder of a local woman who was sent to his trailer to photograph his car for sale. She was never seen again. He was arrested and convicted of her murder.

After the Making a Murderer Series, more than 100,000 viewers signed a petition to ask President Obama to pardon him for this crime. They became convinced of his innocence.

The evidence was confusing, and the fact it was presented in a somewhat biased fashion by the producers was not helpful. I sifted through the evidence wanting to get at the truth. After going through thousands of pages of public documents concerning the crime, a few items stood out.

First, Steven Avery had thrown a cat over a bonfire for fun. He had a history of burning things. And he was a bedwetter. These form the MacDonald’s Triad - also known as the Homicidal Triad. This was reviewed in 1963 by psychologist J.M. MacDonald in his article, “The Threat to Kill,” published in The American Journal of Psychology

He describes early predictors of criminality in people who later commit homicide. Those who commit acts of animal cruelty tend to also commit acts of human cruelty. Animal cruelty is highly correlated with criminality and sociopathy. Sociopaths and psychopaths lack a conscience. Therefore, things that would deeply trouble you and I would not make a sociopath blink.

When President Vladimir Putin told journalist Tucker Carlson that he was lucky to have been rejected in his application to work at the CIA, Putin was correct. Tucker has an obvious conscience and could not become an effective spy. 

Those whom we term “bleeding hearts” - think of those 100,000 who signed the Avery Pardon Petition, are called “empaths.” Sociopaths love empaths because they are natural prey. Ted Bundy, a psychopathic killer loved to lure young women to his aid by pretending to need crutches. 

Unfortunately, today in the United States we, those with a conscience, are being played by a similar dynamic. But I digress.

Genetic Influences of Sociopathy:

I became more interested in the Avery case and found that studies of sociopaths revealed there was a genetic component. Identical twins have a higher rate of sociopathy than fraternal. Adoption studies followed twins raised apart from their birth families. These studies revealed thatsociopathy is 54% inherited. Sociopathy is not necessarily created by a terrible upbringing so much as it is by choosing the wrong parents - think Fidel Castro and Justin Trudeau. 

But then again, some of the world’s worst sociopaths came from good, stable, and hard-working families. Jeffrey Dahmer came from a middle-class two-parent home where neither parent was a drug addict or criminal. Father Lionel Dahmer was college-educated and worked as a chemistThe I-5 Killer grew up in Otter Rock, Oregon in a stable two-parent family as well. David Biro, another notorious sociopath who grew up poisoning his family and shooting his BB gun at random passersby, grew up in privilege in wealthy Winnetka, Illinois.

If sociopathy is 54% genetic and therefore inherited, that begs the question, why aren’t Dahmer’s parents also criminals or serial killers?

The answer is that genetics has to do with pairs of genes, some recessive, some dominant, some sex-linked, and some multifactorial. Some genes require environmental triggers for expression. Others don’t. But once again, I digress.

How can we tell which people are sincere, true, and have our best interests at heart and should earn our trust? Who are out to plunder and murder us, and are to be distrusted?

Rather than try to make sense of this purely with PubMed studies and science, by all means, do what I did, and get your key clues from whether or not the source is a sociopath - or psychopath.

Your chances of being correct if you factor in this crucial parameter will help prevent you from being played.

Once again, let us look at what a sociopath cannot fake. He may be physically attractive and charming, but he cannot fake a reptilian calmness and lack of normal emotion.

Fear-Perspiration Response Abnormal in Sociopathy:

The sociopath is less sensitive to fear, and their hearts reflect this in lower resting heart rates, even as young as age three. Sociopathic three-year-olds show a slower perspiration response to painfully loud sounds. Studies by Gao and Raine showed that those children who had the lowest resting heart rates and impaired fear-based perspiration responses at age 3 tended to become the most aggressive individuals - think bully - by age 8.

Gao and Raine found that abnormal perspiration-fear responses at age 3 correlated with increased criminal behavior at age 23.

Various researchers over the years have developed checklists to help simplify the characteristics of the psychopathic personality in an attempt to identify them more easily.

American Psychiatrist Dr. Hervey Cleckley, a Rhodes Scholar was the most influential scientist to describe the condition, and he implored the military to use extreme care in filtering out Psychopathic recruits.

During WW II Cleckley wrote, "In our present efforts to prepare for national defense no problem which confronts the examining boards for selective service is more pressing or more subtle than that of the so-called psychopathic personality". He noted psychopathic soldiers were more of a drain on scarce resources and harm to the war effort. He advised routinely screening for past criminal convictions and problem drinking.

Later he published a more in-depth list of warning signs.

Hervey Cleckley’s List of Psychopathy Symptoms:

1. Considerable superficial charm and average or above-average intelligence.

2. Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking.

3. Absence of anxiety or other “neurotic” symptoms. Considerable poise, calmness, and verbal facility.

4. Unreliability, disregard for obligations, no sense of responsibility, in matters of little and great import.

5. Untruthfulness and insincerity.

6. Antisocial behavior which is inadequately motivated and poorly planned, seeming to stem from an inexplicable impulsiveness.

7. Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior.

8. Poor judgment and failure to learn from experience.

9. Pathological egocentricity. Total self-centeredness and an incapacity for real love and attachment.

10. General poverty of deep and lasting emotions.

11. Lack of any true insight; inability to see oneself as others do.

12. Ingratitude for any special considerations, kindness, and trust.

13. Fantastic and objectionable behavior, after drinking and sometimes even when not drinking. Vulgarity, rudeness, quick mood shifts, pranks for facile entertainment.

14. No history of genuine suicide attempts.

15. An impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated sex life.

16. Failure to have a life purpose.

Dr. Robert Hare developed his now-famous Hare Checklist for Psychopathy based on Cleckley’s work.

Item 1: Glibness/superficial charm

Item 2: Grandiose sense of self-worth

Item 3: Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom

Item 4: Pathological lying

Item 5: Cunning/manipulative

Item 6: Lack of remorse or guilt

Item 7: Shallow affect

Item 8: Callous/lack of empathy

Item 9: Parasitic lifestyle

Item 10: Poor behavioral controls

Item 11: Promiscuous sexual behavior

Item 12: Early behavior problems

Item 13: Lack of realistic long-term goals

Item 14: Impulsivity

Item 15: Irresponsibility

Item 16: Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

Item 17: Many short-term marital relationships

Item 18: Juvenile delinquency

Item 19: Revocation of conditional release

Item 20: Criminal versatility

How do we use all this in 2024 to sort out the wheat from the chafe? 

Those in our movement who you might describe as possessing a strong conscience - think Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. George Fareed, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Paul Marik, are clearly on the side of right. They are strongly empathic individuals. I have witnessed sincere tears of empathy with Dr. Marik when he speaks about his dying patients, not the crocodile tears you may have seen in Making a Murderer when the criminal worries about his plight.

Others, whom I will not name, come across as icy and emotionless. Their words may fit our movement, yet their behavior is not authentic. Do not be fooled by them, as they are likely installed within our movement - like the BBC Broadcasts - to sow fear, doubt, futility, depression, and powerlessness. 

I include the Hare and Cleckley lists for completeness, not for ease of identification. For quick identification, allow me to add my insights, gained over the last 7 years. Just as Dr. Cleckley warned the military to screen out psychopaths during WW II, we, who stand at the precipice of WW III must remember the same. If we can correctly identify the sociopaths in our government and in those organizations which hold sway over us, we can better protect ourselves.

The best predictors of whether you are dealing with a sociopath or psychopath? They are habitual liars. They often fail to complete what they set out to accomplish as they lose interest, being prone to boredom. They maintain high egos. And they remain self-absorbed and self-worshipping. They are out to meet their selfish agendas and could care less about you, I, or the plight of the common man. 

They freely ask for your money with not an ounce of hesitation or guilt. 

Observing multiple episodes of true empathy in my opinion rules a person out of being a sociopath. Also, sociopaths rarely become anxious or depressed. They never commit suicide. They care about themselves way too much. A stone-cold affect in the absence of empathy is highly consistent with sociopathy.

The best identifier in my experience has been that sociopaths have no real emotions other than anger. So, when you see a person who is unusually calm most of the time, often smiling and charming, who says all the right things but is not emotionally congruent with his words, suspect he is a sociopath. 

This is easier said than done - just ask the victims of Ted Bundy.

Or look to those who are prone to fits of anger with sadistic and cruel behavior. Like Sadam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, or Joseph Stalin. Or those who are selfish and egotistical but lack compassion and tenderness yet are prone to anger. And when you read an article that purports to show that a safe, cheap, and highly effective supplement like Vitamin D caused someone to die, suspect that some sociopath related to Big Pharma just might be responsible for its publication.

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