Thursday, 27 June 2024


Pfizer Is Being Sued Under the Kansas Consumer Protect Act for 10 Counts Across Fraud, Unconscionable Acts, and Civil Conspiracy, NOT Crimes Against Humanity

“Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness. Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. Do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd" - Exodus 23:1-3

Updated June 27, 2024: It’s been brought to my attention that not only my subtitle was incorrect in my recent Stew Peters, but many other subtitles were incorrect and incorrectly represented the statements I made. I apologize for any confusion this has caused. I did not have production or post-production input during the interview. My apologies again. 

Pfizer Is Being Sued Under the Kansas Consumer Protect Act for 10 Counts of Fraud, Unconscionable Acts, and Civil Conspiracy, NOT Crimes Against Humanity

June 23, 2024: Millions of Americans are aware of the disease, disabilities, and deaths caused by the COVID-19 mRNA injections fraudulently referred to as “safe and effective vaccines,” and are eagerly awaiting for the manufacturers and their co-conspirators to be held to account.


This past week, I was on the Stew Peters Show and we discussed the recent 9th Circuit Rulingenabling plaintiffs to challenge the US government’s claim that the mRNA injections are “safe and effective vaccines” or even “medical treatments,” as well why the lawsuits being brought by Texas, Idaho, Kansas and other states against Pfizer are a critical first step in the pursuit of justice for the victims of Pfizer’s mRNA injections.

Why Pfizer’s August 23, 2021 FDA-Approval Matters 

During the interview, I reiterated why the August 23, 2021, FDA-approval was so critical. It’s because after Pfizer received FDA-approval, the biopharma giant had 2-weeks to disclose the ingredients of the vials, as well as all of their patient data from both the global clinical trials, as well as emergency use authorized mRNA products injected into global citizens.

NOTE: I misspoke in the interview regarding the Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Rezulin lawsuit. It was the Pfizer/Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Neurontin case that was a criminal investigation.

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach points this out in his press statement.

I Am NOT A Scientists, Nor Am I A Doctor

Throughout the interview, the Stew Peters Network made an error displaying my title as ‘BioResearch Scientist.’ Over the past 3 years, I have taken exhaustive efforts to correct media outlets that have falsely labeled me as a scientist or a doctor.

I have reached out to Stew Peters and the network to have this corrected and have been informed it will be addressed. 


I am a Med-Legal Advisor and Biotech Analyst

Here are my qualifications:

I am a med-legal advisor and biotech analyst with over 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotech industries.  I am internationally recognized as an expert on the unlawful use of the COVID-19 mRNA injections and the harmful biological effects caused by human exposure to mRNA nanoparticles, as well as other biosynthetic nanotechnologies.

My clients have included; Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, ThermoFisher Scientific, Allergan (now AbbVie), Medtronic and other industry titans. Early in my career, I underwent intensive med-legal training at Pfizer, Medtronic, and other leading pharmaceutical and medical device companies. I later initiated the implementation of the med-legal review process at Allergan, as well as several pharma and medical device start-ups. 

I have educated tens of thousands of doctors and millions of patients worldwide across the topics of men’s health, women’s reproductive health, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases, pediatric health, neuroplasticity, and other healthcare areas through training seminars and the production of educational materials for doctors and patients. From my years of experience working with clients ranging from industry titans to start-ups, as well as venture capital firms, including Johnson & Johnson Development Corp, I have first-hand knowledge of  how FDA drugs, biologics, and devices go from being a patented molecule or device through to animal trials, to human clinical trials, to full FDA- approval, authorization, or clearance, and then to interstate distribution and commercialization.

What is “Extreme Accountability” from My Perspective?

In the interview, Stew Peters brought up ‘extreme accountability’ for the COVID-19 injection manufacturers and their co-conspirators.

I believe ‘extreme accountability’ is working with US Attorneys General, State Prosecutors, and other attorneys to bring Pfizer and their co-conspirators to justice through the U.S. court system. In other words, I support seeking justice. I am opposed to acts or threats of violence against officially charged and allegedly accused perpetrators. 

Pfizer’s co-conspirators include the media, the scientific community (including peer-reviewed publications and universities), the lobbyist group BIO, and US government agencies. There was both a national and international effort to not only cover-up the mRNA manufacturers’ damning data, but to mislead the public into believing that the mRNA injections should “be a choice” and were ‘safe and effective’ for certain populations.

Furthermore, there was a well-orchestrated media psyop in the United States to convince US citizens that we’re not able to hold the manufacturers (specifically Pfizer) and HHS agencies (i.e. the FDA) accountable and financially liable.

Condemn the Use of Violence

In the interview, Stew Peters metaphorically alluded to hangings for the perpetrators of the most egregious COVID-19 crimes. I condemnhangings and other forms of extreme violence. 

strongly condemn anyone taking acts of violence against any individual who misled (intentionally or unintentionally) global citizens regarding the harmful effects of the injections. I strongly condemn any calls for threats or acts of violence against any individual who may have misrepresented (intentionally or unintentionally) the facts, evidence, and laws surrounding the criminal experimentation of pregnant women, babies, children, adults, and seniors with the mRNA nanoparticle injections. 

I do not believe you can rectify acts of violent crimes with the counteraction of committing acts of violence. Nor do I believe you can correct lies with the counteraction of proclaiming false statements as truths; or with threats of violence

My words and actions reflect my beliefs, as I have provided and presented evidence to local officials and citizens to seek justice through the US court system and local governance. 

We Must Lawfully Seek Justice

Stew Peters and I have been colleagues for approximately 3 years and we disagree on many topics, points of view, and opinions. I commend Stew Peters for his efforts to warn global citizens of the harms and deaths caused by the COVID-19 mRNA injections and to encourage individuals to lawfully seek justice.

Stew Peters also produced the films Died Suddenly and Final Days

Exodus 23:1-3

“Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness.

Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. 

When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd.”

The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.

Ways to Support My Work

Mail: Karen Kingston/miFight Inc., 960 Postal Way #307, Vista, CA  92081

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Contact: I can be contacted via email at

Advanced Ionic Airpurifier 

In my home, I use an advanced ionic air purifier, clinically proven to eliminate the biosynthetic pathogens that cause COVID-19,the flu, and other similar pathogens.

Use code KINGSTON to save $10 from Weston Scientific.

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