Wednesday 12 June 2024


National ARM Declares UN, WHO, and WEF, Terrorist Organizations

The National American Rennaissance Movement (National ARM) issued a declaration stating that the UN, WHO, and WEF terrorist organizations and called for Congress to pass legislation declaring cooperation with these organizations for nefarious purposes an act of treason against the United States and the respective states. The resolution also demands withdrawal from the UN and WHO.

Previously, the Lee County Republican Assembly passed a similar resolution that I proposed declaring the UN, WHO, and WEF, terrorist organizations, and called for legislation in Florida declaring that cooperation with these organizations are an act of treason against the state of Florida.

Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D, PhD and myself are board members of National ARM. 

Downloadable version of the National ARM declaration/resolution is available here. The full text of National ARM’s declaration/resolution follows:

Declaration of the National American Renaissance Movement Regarding the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum

Whereas the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are global organizations founded by a wealthy elite to control the world’s resources and population.

Whereas these global organizations, posing as philanthropies, support a depopulation agenda and the subversive undermining of the Nation State.

Whereas these globalists view the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights as obstacles to their absolute control and plan for a Great Reset directed at ushering in a New World Order through vast accumulation of National debt and wars, the implosion of National economies, the Open Border regionalization of the world, the imposition of central bank digital currency and the herding of everyone into 24/7 surveilled smart cities monitored by artificial intelligence.

Whereas these global organizations, in league with those in possession of secret advanced technologies not shared with the public create fear and panic through the use of Climate Change meme by weaponizing the weather and by creating a pandemic scenario using illegal gain of function experiments.

Whereas the globalists have supported the geoengineering of our skies through the spraying of aerosolized toxins known as chemtrails and the distribution of bioweapons; dangerous mRNA platforms containing spike protein toxins, metals and bio synthetic filaments known as vaccines. Both insidious programs attacking the blood and immune system of humanity.

Whereas their globalist value system is Satanic, evil and cruel which regards man as a hackable animal devoid of rights.

Whereas these globalist organizations with their Agenda 2030 program are directing mankind towards a technocratic dystopia of slavery through transhumanism where the family unit is eliminated.

For the reasons stated. Be it Resolved:

The National American Renaissance Movement declares:

1.These globalist entities are terrorist organizations and a danger to freedom, integrity and sovereignty of the individual and the Nation.

2. We demand that the United States government immediately defund and withdraw from the United Nations and World Health Organization.

3. The National American Renaissance Movement further calls upon Congress to pass legislation declaring cooperation with the United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Economic Forum in any of the above noted activities or other nefarious activities, as acts of treason against the United States, and the respective states.


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