Friday, 28 June 2024


Militarized Cognitive Warfare: Human Brains Under Attack In Post Covid Era And Natural Treatment Ways To Resist And Reverse Cognitive Deficits

Cognitive warfare is a well known and growing field of militarized interest. I have posted about the topic before. This article is to review the military documents regarding this mode of warfare. I am proposing that cognitive warfare has been deployed upon the global human population and it is misleadingly called brainfog, cognitive decline after C19 bioweapon injection. I propose that this is an intentional modification of the human brain via self assembly nanotechnology neuromodulation done by Graphene and other semiconducting metals Quantum Dots and invasive synthetic biology. Here are previous articles discussing this mode of warfare: 

The Battlespace Of Our Mind And The Soul Connection - Review Of Intelligence Agency Research Into The "Paranormal"

Battlescape Brain: Engaging Neuroscience in Defense Operations - Review Of Dr. James Giordano's lectures

Nanotechnology, Cybernetic Hive Minds, Artificial Intelligence and Mind Control - DARPA and CIA Insider Dr. Robert Duncan's Interviews Confirms Hijacking Of Human Soul Possible

Hydrogel and Graphene Oxide Used For Neuron Stimulation ( AKA Mind Control) Via Injection Or Inhalation

Lets review what the US Naval Institute have to say about cognitive warfare and targeting a populations ability to process information: 

Cognitive Warfare US Naval Institute

To build enduring advantages, the United States must address threats and opportunities in the cognitive dimension.A 2022 Government Accountability Office report underscores this point. It notes that while U.S. competitors and adversaries are using technological advances to influence human cognition and offset traditional U.S. warfighting advantages, the U.S. military faces “a number of institutional challenges,” including “a lack of leadership emphasis, lack of resources, the implications of new technologies, and dated processes.

Battlefields across the conflict continuum now reach beyond the physical and cyber domains: An individual’s cognition is now a target. Advances in cognitive psychology and information communication technology (ICT) enable actors to target individuals’ situational comprehension and will with precision. In light of these changes, cognitive warfare (CW) has emerged as a new war-fighting concept.

While cognitive warfare lacks a widely accepted definition, initial proposals contain at least one of three common themes:

• The intent to influence specific individuals and groups on political matters, understanding that war is a continuation of politics by other means

• The explicit targeting of human cognition—how people perceive and interpret information to gain knowledge and understanding

• The use of psychology and advanced technologies to target individuals or groups precisely

We can see that NATO also is aware of this battle space: 

NATO Cognitive Warfare

Cognitive Warfare includes activities conducted in synchronization with other Instruments of Power, to affect attitudes and behaviors, by influencing, protecting, or disrupting individual, group, or population level cognition, to gain an advantage over an adversary. Designed to modify perceptions of reality, whole-of-society manipulation has become a new norm, with human cognition shaping to be a critical realm of warfare.

Cognitive Warfare focuses on attacking and degrading rationality, which can lead to exploitation of vulnerabilities and systemic weakening. However, this becomes increasingly complex as non-military targets are involved.

If we look at the recent medical literature, we see exactly this phenomenon. Not only are the C19 injected exhibiting severe decline in cognition, early dementia and drop in IQ, but so do the C19 uninjected - they call it long Covid - I call it advanced self assembly nanotechnology cognitive warfare. 

A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of alzheimer's disease

The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic extend to concerns about vaccine side effects, particularly potential links to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD).

This study investigates the association between COVID-19 vaccination and the onset of AD and its prodromal state, mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

A nationwide, retrospective cohort study leveraging data from the Korean National Health Insurance Service was conducted.

Preliminary evidence suggests a potential link between COVID-19 vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines, and increased incidences of AD and MCI.

This is a recent New England Journal Of Medicine review of literature of long Covid - again I call this effects of advanced nanotechnology and synthetic biological warfare, not a virus. It discusses middle aged individuals with severe cognitive deficits and loss of IQ. This is what I have been seeing in my office in C19 unvaccinated individuals. It can be reversed, but once people are sensitized to shedding, often as soon as people come in contact with the C19 injected the brainfog comes back. As previously described, I have reversed this with EDTA Chelation, Vitamin C, Methylene Blue and other treatments. 

Long Covid and Impaired Cognition — More Evidence and More Work to Do

A recent analysis of the U.S. Current Population Survey showed that after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, an additional one million U.S. residents of working age reported having “‘serious difficulty’ remembering, concentrating, or making decisions” than at any time in the preceding 15 years.

In a study published in this issue of the Journal, Hampshire et al.5 bring greater clarity to how SARS-CoV-2 infection may affect cognition. They studied 800,000 adults from a larger community sample of more than 3 million persons in the Real-Time Assessment of Community Transmission (REACT) study of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in England. Using an online assessment tool for cognitive function with eight domains, the investigators estimated global cognitive scores among participants who had been previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and had had symptoms that persisted at least 12 weeks, whether resolved or not, and among uninfected participants.

Modest cognitive decline occurred with the original virus and with each viral variant, including B.1.1.529 (omicron). As compared with uninfected participants (control), cognitive deficit — commensurate with a 3-point loss in IQ — was evident even in participants who had had mild Covid-19 with resolved symptoms. Participants with unresolved persistent symptoms had the equivalent of a 6-point loss in IQ, and those who had been admitted to the intensive care unit had the equivalent of a 9-point loss in IQ. Of importance, these deficits were associated with many of the other symptoms that have been reported by persons with long Covid.

Long COVID is associated with severe cognitive slowing: a multicentre cross-sectional study

COVID-19 survivors may experience a wide range of chronic cognitive symptoms for months or years as part of post-COVID-19 conditions (PCC). To date, there is no definitive objective cognitive marker for PCC. We hypothesized that a key common deficit in people with PCC might be generalized cognitive slowing.

270 patients diagnosed with PCC at two different clinics in UK and Germany were compared to two control groups: individuals who contracted COVID-19 before but did not experience PCC after recovery (No-PCC group) and uninfected individuals (No-COVID group).

I have spent a decade in the healthcare system in the field of Geriatrics, was Medical Director for a Geriatric Center of Excellence and Medical Director for a large Nursing Facility and have treated thousands of patients with cognitive deficits and dementia. Early screening for cognitive decline and reversing manifested cognitive deficits has been my specialty for the past 7 years. I use function brain EEG screening tool in my office and have shown how people who had Covid, have contaminated blood from shedding of self assembly nanotechnology and those who complain of brainfog have a functional substantial decline in cognition. The hippocampus area of the brain, which is the seat of short term memory and neuronal stem cells that grow when learning new things consistently shows severe low electricity voltage, suggestion injury, inflammation. I show in this video how this can be documented and reversed, improving functional brain age by decades in a few months: 

Complete Reversal of Long Haul Covid Brain Dysfunction as documented by WAVI Brain EEG

Here is what that looks like on functional brain EEG testing - a marker for functional brain age can be calculated when processing speeds and brain voltage is taken into account. This is not a diagnostic tool but can give the clinician information that no MRI or CT scan can determine. You can see these results from a patient in my office 

As I have described in my video and shown the before and after functional brain EEG improvements, functional brain age and brain fog can be reversed effectively. I have previously explained that if something hijacks your electricity, detoxifying the body and giving electron donors can reverse the process. 

These are strategies that work: 

EDTA Chelation IV and oral ( with severe symptoms I recommend IV first) 

EDTA pulls out toxic metals, passes the blood brain barrier, detoxifies Graphene that can interfere with synaptic connections. EDTA is an electron donor. It reverses atherosclerosis, hence improves blood flow. It has been used for treatment of neurotoxicity

EDTA Chelation Therapy for the Treatment of Neurotoxicity

Methylene Blue is an electron donor with significant effects in reversing all symptoms of long Covid advanced nanotechnology warfare as I have written in this post from 2022.

Methylene Blue – a phenomenal anti- aging molecule in my most favorite color – helps with long COVID symptoms too

This is a great review article: 

From Mitochondrial Function to Neuroprotection – An Emerging Role for Methylene Blue

We know that oxygen carrying capacity is severely reduced from the self assembly nanotechnology contamination and has been associated with mitochondrial impairment as well as micro clotting, leading to silent ischemia symptoms that cannot be clinically picked up unless someone looks at the blood to identify the severity of roulaux formation. Methylene Blue has been shown to have remarkable brain protective effects in low perfusion states. 

Therapeutic benefits of methylene blue on cognitive impairment during chronic cerebral hypoperfusion 

Adequate Vitamin D 3 supplementation has been shown to prevent dementia and help with cognitive impairment. Blood levels between 75-100 dl/l should be aimed for. 

Can taking vitamin D supplements help prevent dementia?

Nootropics can enhance neuronal growth and improve memory. There are many different molecules that work though different mechanisms, including decreasing neuroinflammation, increasing brain derived nerve growth factor levels and more. I am mentioning a few easy and cheap solutions here that also have other benefits for reversal of symptoms from the C19 bioweapon and blood contamination. 

Ashwaghanda, Bacopa monnieri, Lions Mane Mushroom, Cat’s Claw, Curcumen, Ginko Biloba, Saffron all have been shown to prevent dementia.

Neuroprotective Herbs for the Management of Alzheimer’s Disease

Remember I wrote about Curcumen as a helpful method for reducing the risk of turbo cancers induced by lipid nanoparticles:

Lipid Nanoparticle-Associated Inflammation is Triggered by Galectin Activation. Galectins Are Involved In Cancer Propagation. Several Supplements Have Anti Galectin Properties And Could Be Explored

Boswellia, which is Frankinsense, also has been shown to be promising for neurodegeneration. You have to use the liposomal form due to poor aborption. I use MCS formulas for this and I have it linked below. 

Genus Boswellia as a new candidate for neurodegenerative disorders

The genus Boswellia has been suggested to target various molecular pathways involved in pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. The genus regulates neurotrophic factors (including BDNF), apoptotic proteins (pro-apoptotic caspase-3 and anti-apoptotic bcl-2), and redox status. They were shown to be therapeutically effective at controlling inflammatory and cholinergic systems.

Humic and Fulvic Acid has been shown to protect from Graphene toxicity and remove toxic metals. I have written about this here: 

Humic Acid as a Natural Antidote for Graphene and Mitigatior of Graphene Induced Embryonic Toxicity - Study review

Fulvic Acid also has been shown to reverse Alzheimers pathogenic misfolded proteins, which have also similarly been described with long Covid. I use Humic and Fulvic Acid in my clinical practice as part of my detox protocol: 

Fulvic acid inhibits aggregation and promotes disassembly of tau fibrils associated with Alzheimer's disease

Magnesium L-Threonate has been shown to pass the blood brain barrier, improve cognitive function, depression, and sleep. 

A Magtein®, Magnesium L-Threonate, -Based Formula Improves Brain Cognitive Functions in Healthy Chinese Adults

Mg supplementation has been shown to improve symptoms of migraine headaches, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and to have a beneficial effect on subjective anxiety in subjects prone to mental stress. “The Clinical Memory Test”, the standard test commonly used in Chinese hospitals and academic institutes for cognitive evaluation, was administered before and 30 days after subjects received the supplement. Subjects receiving Magtein®PS showed significant improvements over the control group in all five subcategories of “The Clinical Memory Test” as well as the overall memory quotient scores.

Higher intake of Mg has been associated with lower depression symptoms. In a 2010 publication in the journal Neuron, scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) reported their discovery of a magnesium compound called magnesium L-threonate (Magtein®) that can effectively deliver magnesium to brain cells. According to the study, magnesium L-threonate (Magtein®) has greater bioavailability compared to other magnesium supplements.

Phosphatidylcholine and phyosphadylserine have also been shown to enhance cognitive function

Choline and phosphatidylcholine may maintain cognitive performance by multiple mechanisms

Ylilauri et al. present a superlative prospective analysis of nearly 2500 participants with a follow-up of >2 decades that provides evidence that dietary intakes of choline and phosphatidylcholine were associated with better performance in cognitive tests assessing verbal fluency and memory.

I have previously written that Plaquex which is a patented form of Phosphatidylcholine used for reversal of atherosclerosis also helps to regenerate cell membranes of red blood cells and thereby reducing the rouleaux formation, as well has improve cognitive function. 

Plaquex Effects On Live Blood Oxidative Stress Affected By Self Assembled Nanotechnology/ Synthetic Biology - A Before And After Darkfield Microscopy

I have used low doses of Plaquex infusion to successfully help pregnant women who suffer from blood contamination and shedding. It has been helpful for pregnancy nausea as well. Chronic fatigue levels in my pregnant patients were significantly improved due to improvement in the rouleaux formation, hence improved oxygen carrying capacity. Since EDTA and other molecules cannot be used in pregnancy, this can be a safe alternative to help with shedding symptoms in the hands of experienced clinicians. 

Low Nitric Oxide levels have been associated with neurocognitive degeneration, endothelial cell dysfunction, brain fog, anxiety and depression. I test all of my patients for this and always replace it. 

Role of Nitric Oxide in Neurodegeneration: Function, Regulation, and Inhibition

Role of Nitric Oxide in Stress-Induced Anxiety: From Pathophysiology to Therapeutic Target 

Nicotine has been helpful in reversing long Covid symptoms. 

Is the post-COVID-19 syndrome a severe impairment of acetylcholine-orchestrated neuromodulation that responds to nicotine administration?

Nicotine as been shown to help improve cognitive function 

Can Nicotine Help Prevent Dementia Alzheimer’s?

When nicotine binds to nAChRs, it stimulates the release of neurotransmitters like acetylcholine and dopamine, which are associated with improved cognitive performance. One studyTrusted Sourceinvestigated transdermal nicotine (delivered via patch or topical application) as a potential treatment for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease, targeting nicotinic cholinergic receptors. In a 6-month trial, nicotine significantly improved attention, episodic memory, and overall functioning with minimal side effects in MCI participants.

Many of my patients report symptom relief, sometimes it is not lasting when there is a high level of blood contamination from self assembly nanotechnology - but can be improved when adding other supplements here described. In autonomic function testing which I do on all of my new patients, it does not reverse cardiac autonomic neuropathy or autonomic dysfunction. I would not use it as a single agent, since it has no effect on blood contamination or prevention of shedding, but as part of a comprehensive regimen including EDTA. Methylene Blue, Vitamin C, full nutritional support, including complex B Vitamins in methylated form. 

Neuropeptides have phenomenal brain regenerative effects. Many were recently banned by the corrupt FDA, a corrupt government institution that has killed millions by suppressing natural cures and solutions for decades, and needs to be dismantled and the responsible individuals prosecuted for their instrumental role in the C19 bioweapon Genocide. 

Dihexa has been shown to be 10 Million times more potent than brain derived nerve growth factor and has marked ability to reverse cognitive dysfunction. In 2019 I was featured as an early adapter of using Dihexa in clinical practice by Brain Health Breakthrough newsite. The results of using neuropeptides like Selank, Semax, Dihexa, Epithalon in stroke rehabilitation, brain function recovery, reversal of cognitive dysfunction and traumatic brain injury without side effects were nothing short of miraculous. Here is the link to the article: The Wonder Drug of Neurology"

There are many peptides available, that without side effects can reverse the aging process. If the FDA was not involved in the depopulation agenda, we would continue to be able to use those and help millions of people and save countless lives. This is why it is so imperative to prosecute and dismantle these corrupt pharma owned government institutions who wage war on our health. 


It is evident that militarized neurocognitive warfare via the C19 bioweapon and weapon of mass destruction, spread through the population via shedding and and geoengineering warfare operations are having a detrimental effect on humanities cognitive function, hence reducing the ability of the masses to comprehend and react to the current multilevel depopulation warfare waged. Numerous easy and cheap protective natural molecules exist, as outlined here, that can help mitigate and reverse this attack while we as humanity fight for our freedom, health and the survival of our species. 

MCS formulas, Curcumen and Liposomal Boswellia AKBA

Methylene Blue

EDTA Medfive

Tennant Restore full nutritional support, Nitric Oxide, Humic and Fulvic

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