Wednesday 26 June 2024


Methylene Blue Is Pharmaceutical Poison

Methylene blue is being promoted as a cheap detox supplement by some well known doctors and natural healers. People attach great significance and emotion to what they believe to be miracle cures, making it difficult to tell them otherwise. 

Methylene Blue is not an FDA-approved drug

In a recent conversation I had with Dr. Robert Young, we shared our mutual concern about methylene blue being mainstreamed as a health supplement. A lot of people are taking it thinking that its a natural substance and quite a few people have expressed surprise to me when they find out that it’s a synthetic pharmaceutical drug. Dr. Young confirmed to me that it is in fact a “poison” with dangerous side effects. 

What it methylene blue? 

The Rockefeller Institute of Medicine was founded in 1908. Prior to that, the only medicine that was practiced in the United States and the world, was Homeopathy. The meaning of Homeopathy has been systematically changed and our traditional medicine cancelled.

It may surprise you to learn that the first pharmaceutical drug ever developed was Methylene Blue. It’s a toxic chemical that was initially manufactured in 1876 as a synthetic textile dye. It was used to dye fabrics, clothing, papers and leathers. This industrial dye was later studied by the Rockefeller Institute as a pharmaceutical treatment and was the first synthetic, or man-made, medical treatment used in humans. 

The very first pharmaceutical developed in 1910 was an arsenic-based drug called Salvarsan. An arsenic. It amazes me that anybody would put arsenic or an industrial dye into the human body in the name of medicine. That’s exactly what the Rockefeller eugenicists do. They did in fact finance the eugenics movement

Is methylene blue actually medicinally beneficial? 

Methylene blue is prescribed as a treatment for malaria and gonorrhea in poor countries like Africa, where they cannot afford any other treatment.

BMC study from 2006 reveals that methylene blue is not so effective in treating malaria despite it being touted as an antimalarial drug. The therapeutic benefit of methylene blue is virtually non-existent. As this study shows, methylene blue has no catalytic effect on oxygen consumption of normal adult cells except when they’re severely deprived of oxygen. 

Methylene blue simply cannot be an effective treatment against Covid-19. People swearing by methylene blue and saying that they’re getting great benefits from using it, are severely nutrient deprived and dehydrated. In that case they can feel some temporary benefit due to the ionic bonds of this synthetic salt but it won’t last long because soon they’ll be feeling the toxic side effects!

The World Health Organization recommendsmethylene blue be added to the standard ACT as treatment for the P. falciparum malaria parasites but expressed concerns nonetheless regarding potential toxicology (adverse reactions)

Moreover, methylene blue induces cancers and it’s highly flammable, irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. It’s harmful when inhaled, toxic when swallowed and causes damage to organs, according to WHO. 

Methylene blue is environmentally persistent, toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic. The study explains how it alters the amino acid expression of your DNA which means it’s genotoxic. It was also found to be genotoxic in an in vitro study. 

Another study demonstrates that methylene blue produces lesions in human DNA in the M13mp18 (single stranded DNA). This industrial dye is also used during the transfection of E. coli bacteria into human cells. So, methylene blue is a cellular transfection agent that assists in the genetic modification of cells due to it’s ability to break down part of the DNA. It enables a fivefold increase in mutation frequency of genetically modified cells after transfection, ensuring only a 10% survival of those cells. 

Methylene blue was only recently found to cause severe central nervous system toxicity. It may become potentially fatal when used in combination with medications that include or increase serotonin. This is something MD’s must pay close attention to. 

The Rockefeller Institute of Medicine uses methylene blue as a chemical control strategyfor limiting insect vector populations. This is due to methylene blue being phototoxic. There was a 100% mortality rate in insect larvae from the methylene blue after they were exposed to sunlight (about 40 minutes) but the larvae did not die when kept in the dark. 

So what happens with humans after they take methylene blue and go into the sun? I guess MD’s should advice their patients to remain in the dark to avoid phototoxic cell death? 

Some of the side effects of intravenousmethylene blue are agitation, bluish-colored lips, fingernails, or palms, chest tightness, cough, dark urine, diarrhea, difficulty breathing and difficulty swallowing. Difficulty breathing and chest tightness are side effects of poisoning. 

Methylene Blue Updated June 3rd

Methylene Blue is known to induce psychiatric disorders dubbed “Serotonin Syndrome”, yet it’s being touted as a miracle detox by fraudulent medical doctors. 

Even more shocking is that Methylene Blue is also used to feed the tissue scaffolding technology that produces the long, white fibrous clots embalmers have found in the veins of dead vaxxed persons

Please read: Transhumanist Nightmare: Nanowires Torture the Vaxxed and Scaffold New Tissue!

A study entitled, “Release of methylene blue from graphene oxide-coated electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds to modulate functions of neural progenitor cells”, reveals that the tissue scaffolding technology is actually graphene oxide based.

“In our study, the functional scaffolds were obtained by fabrication of a poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanofibrous mat by the electrospinning technique, followed by coating of a layer of graphene oxide(GO) and then physisorption of methylene blue(MB) under mild conditions. The precoating of GO on the nanofibrous scaffolds allows efficient loading and release of MB from the substrate for regulating the functions of NPCs. The NPCs cultured on the scaffolds remained in the quiescence phase due to the activation of autophagy signaling pathway by MB. Moreover, the MB-loaded nanofibrous scaffolds diminish tau phosphorylation and protect NPCs from apoptosis.”

Methylene Blue enables Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles to regulate the growth of synthetic biology within the body from the COVID-19 technology. 


There’s not need to poison yourself with methylene blue. There’s far more effective salt derivatives and isolates one can use to achieve detox. 

Sodium chlorite for example, is a salt derivative that I use with clients to detox the Covid-19 vaccine poison and for general detox. Sodium chlorite is very inexpensive and studies show that it’s an effective prophylaxis against Covid-19 poisoning. 

Sodium chlorite activates in our stomachs producing chlorine dioxide inside your body. Chlorine dioxide then effectively drives oxygen into your cells, driving toxins out. It’s also an effective heavy metal chelator so there’s no need to poison yourself with EDTA either. 

I recommend the Prime Ph sodium chlorite supplement

Another very cost effective detox supplement is Master Peace, an all natural zerolite product infused with sea plasma. It chelates heavy metals and more. Sign up and order Master Peace here

ASEA redox molecules does everything sodium chlorite (chlorine dioxide) and Master Peace do and so much more. ASEA Redox is the single most powerful supplement against Covid-19 poisoning, in my experience. It repairs DNA damage in cells, turns genes on and protects cells from radiation damage while boosting glutathione levels to between 500-800%. 

Learn more about ASEA Redox and review peer reviewed evidence of the superior power of redox molecules. Order ASEA Redox here or reach out to me directly for more information. 

I have now provided you three superior products that are affordable and non-toxic.

You can review eview my premium detox protocol here. I have less expensive protocols for detoxing also. 

Please visit my Calendly page to schedule a health consultation with me for a customized detox protocol. 

Also follow my new Telegram channel @drloveariyana

Follow my Protocol Detox Support Telegram channel @protocolsdetox.

If you benefited from this article please consider donating to my research foundationor becoming a paid subscriber.

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