Thursday 27 June 2024


I'm With Stupid - The inner voice of a "vaccination" doctor. And : Yet another study that says that the “vaccinated” die faster.

And now the sky is falling ? Sure, why not ? Just add it to the list.

I'm With Stupid - The inner voice of a "vaccination" doctor

Is this humor or reality ?

Doctor: Actually, he couldn't have died because he was vaccinated.

Prosecutor: The autopsy report suggests that the patient died from the vaccinations.

Doctor: That can't be. The patient was perfectly healthy before the vaccinations.

Prosecutor: Why did you vaccinate the patient if he was healthy?

Doctor: The Federal Council recommended the vaccinations.

Prosecutor: And was the patient still healthy after the first vaccination?

Doctor: He only had a few bouts of weakness, headaches and skin rashes, which we were able to treat successfully with cortisone.

Prosecutor: So the vaccination had side effects?

Doctor: Only mild ones.

Prosecutor: But despite mild side effects, you gave him another vaccination.

Doctor: Who knows if we hadn't vaccinated him, he might have died.

Prosecutor: And how did the patient fare after the second vaccination?

Doctor: He was ill for several weeks.

Prosecutor: So the side effects got worse? Doctor: He was just sick. Without the vaccination, he would have died for sure.

Prosecutor: Why did you give him the third vaccination despite severe side effects?

Doctor: As long as there are side effects, you have to increase the dose.

Prosecutor: And after the third vaccination, the patient died.

Doctor: Yes, unfortunately he didn't make it to the fourth vaccination. That would have saved him.


Here's a stupid question ... are you getting enough sleep ?

Bad conscience = bad sleep + incorrect perception = weak immune system

Thus, conscience can also have something to do with illness.

Don't believe it? Then please research psychosomatic illnesses. A clear conscience is a guarantee of health, because only then can the person's perception remain intact and no addictive behavior develop. This is actually easy to understand.


Yet another study that says that the “vaccinated” die faster :

Study invalidates claimed mechanisms and effectiveness of mRNA vaccinations

Recently in Front magazine. Immunol. It is found that among adult patients admitted to the Ohio State University Hospital between 05/2020 and 11/2022 with acute respiratory failure and various comorbidities, the mortality rate among those vaccinated was approximately twice as high as that among those who were not vaccinated. 

The observations and questions raised in the preprint could have far-reaching consequences.

Study :

It is a study that is currently making headlines. You will certainly find many articles about it. Here is an example in German, for automatic translation :


"Never again will I ask, 'Who'd be stupid enough to unplug a life-support machine to charge their phone?'"

'I asked him how he was. His last words were, ‘I'm having the time of my life.' I think he was being sarcastic.'

'I'm afraid it's stupidity. And it appears to be spreading.'

Neurotic stupidity: 'If you start granting amnesty to people for following their conscience, pretty soon everyone will be following their conscience.'

"See? I told you you weren't far from stupid."

Testing, testing …

"And now the sky is falling? Sure, why not? Just add it to the list."

MD trash talk... "Your mama is so dumb, she doesn't know endopeptidase from endopericarditis."

I'm With Stupid

"Can I breathe out now?"

"It's an enduring mystery. How did this extinct species combine such huge brains with such jaw dropping stupidity?"

“If we paid you what you`re really worth you`d owe us money.”

"Wasn't a problem, chief. Luckily for the world, he was only an evil moron."


You can get the best information here :

Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :

Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :

The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) :

There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends :

When searching for Dr.Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended :

Yandex :

and Mojeek :

Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.


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By Suavek · Launched 6 months ago

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