Wednesday 19 June 2024


"Don’t Stop, Keep Going"



The Truth Will Set You Free: John 8:31-32 | Christ Fellowship Leesville

I keep hearing this. Whether in person or via emails, Instagram DMs or through Substack. “Don’t Stop, Keep Going”.

I started to wonder, why is it almost everyone I speak to or communicate with these days is telling me this. Do they know something I don’t?

I have zero intention of stopping after all. I can’t just stay quiet and go back to my old life. That ship sailed a long time ago, and I’m not hanging around the pier. I’ve got things to do and places to go, metaphorically anyway. 

I’m on a mission to expose the lies, uncover the truth and empower people to make the right choices.

Last week Barbara O’Neil was at a live event that I attended. As I walked into the hall, I saw a queue of people lining up to speak to her. As I took my seat, I was really surprised to see people coming up to say hi to me, shake my hand, give me a warm hug and take a selfie. Here are just some of them. Almost all of them said the same thing “Don’t stop”, “keep going”. 

I asked my twin out in New Zealand, he goes by the name Justin Edgington, better half to Ursula Edgington and asked him, why do people keep saying this to me?

He wrote the following response.

Dear Ahmad Brother

Interesting question to ponder.

Terrorism is selling or propagating terror which causes fear  - Fear is an old commodity that has been weaponised in recent times in almost every aspect of living.  We have outsourced nearly all of our decisions to others to avoid the fear of making a mistake and the fear of the consequences. It’s palpable that those who took the bat juice were afraid not because they were weak but because they had been told to be afraid and this is all around us – Think of all the disaster movies in the last few decades. Slowly and surely we have become risk averse and unable to calculate the real risks just like relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction – I am led to believe many doctors don’t know the difference even now.

The worst thing about the fear today is that people don’t know how to manage it….They don’t have the innate skills to critically analyse whether it is real or imagined. They are afraid of making decisions they are afraid of being shamed ( One of the most  powerful human emotions is shame and we both can recall clear as day when were last shamed for something we should have been ashamed of and this will never go away)

So people need others like you to be their voice and to show them they need not be afraid and they will slowly come to the light and regain some sense of self and sense. They cannot do it without others….we have to be the ones to say no more BS no more fear.

The very fact that like-minded people can now join together from every corner of the globe must mitigate this existential risk and make it totally transparent that wars do not need to be fought just to fund evil.

You’re on the hook buster and you know you have to do what is right – What would the kids think if they knew we know and decided to live the lies every day – that’s the 1st rung of the psychopathy ladder and we have far too many of those around us – Sadly they look like us and smile sweetly as they screw us over or worse.

Without your work, my work, Ursula’s work and thousands more,  or dare I say it critical thinking and modest intellect – the rest who look to us for reassurance and guidance will be doomed to more fear more propaganda more risk more damage and more exploitations – to steal someone’s emotive state and their right to happiness is manifestly evil and disgusting.  



I think Justin has hit the nail on the head. My podcast gives strength and emboldens those of us who are fed up with the status quo, can see through the bullshit, and don’t like the inverted clown world that has become of the world. 

The podcast gives voice to thousands and hopefully one day millions of us who are critical thinkers and don’t like the direction of travel, corruption and criminality that is all around us, that otherwise don’t have a voice. Stifled by friends, family and work colleagues. 

It gives us a sense of community and belonging to a much bigger tribe. We can no longer be shamed or ostracised. Because we know we are many and we are right and good.

This is the reason behind my podcast as I wrote in my article titled “Target Audience”.

I also think I am told to “keep going” because I don’t peddle in fear. Yes some of the podcast episodes are a bit dark and depressing, but I hope most of my listeners can see my overall message is about taking back charge of one’s own life and destiny, enjoying the good in this world, being grateful and fighting back against the evil bastards that call themselves the “elites”. They are scum, and nothing more.

If I was selling anything, it would be courage and hope. 

I would also remind everyone to stop looking for heroes and saviours and not follow false messiahs. The leader and hero lies within you and looks back at you when you look in the mirror. 

So don’t worry folks, I ain’t stopping anytime soon. They literally will have to kill me to make me stop. And does that remotely worry me? No, because I know somethimg even better awaits in the life after. 

Much Love

Ahmad x

Of An Age And Still Keeping On Trucking – kafkaestblog

To all the new subscribers welcome to the Clan!

Please make sure to check your emails download the Substack app so that you can join the chat function.

And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x


Much love Ahmad

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