Thursday, 27 June 2024

 ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»Dear Lin Wood, PLEASE, PLEASE, LISTEN TO ME : According to your symptoms : It’s URGENT to go to a HOLISTIC MD or Dr in Naturopathy. You should have an examination called in French a DOPPLER : To check if there is not a THROMBUS. ( Small or big blood CLOT). DO IT IN EMERGENCY 🚨 PLEASE. + Check one DROP of your blood at Dr ROBERT O YOUNG office. He is a GENIUS Dr in Naturopathy in US ( i follow him from Europe). Dr Young has the special microscope with Black part, wich allows to SEE the GRAPHENE : The WHOLE WORLD IS POISONED WITH GRAPHENE wich cause CLOTS. It can be eliminated by taking Water rich in H2 ( Hydrogene ) + Drinking Raw Organic Fresh Juces of certains vegetables rich in H2. Added to a Plant that i can’t give the name here….( The globalists satanists are destroying everything in Natural Real Medicines). There is also Dr Ariyana LOVE Dr in Naturopathy who collaborate with Dr Young, and Dr GLIDDEN MD + Naturopath in USA. All GENIUSES. Dr GLidden said : «  If we have a real change, Doctors will be put out of business..). There is also another MD but i can’t give his name here. A HEROS, a GENIUS in US. The KEY is the GUT= the MICROBIOME where ALL diseases begun. The SILENT INFLAMMATION that spread in all organs. That’s what you have according to your symptoms described here in your message. Silent inflammation was discovered by another GENIUS US Dr in CARDIOLOGY : Dr BARRY SEARS who received the Nobel Price. Read the book of Dr Colin Campbell: The CHINA STUDY. ( Chapter : The DARK SIDE OF SCIENCES). Also : Books of Dr NORMAN WALKER : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. And the GERSON INSTITUT, US. I followed their courses. Dr MAX GERSON was a GENIUS curing cancers staged 3,4 and auto immune diseases. The KEY is the DETOX +++ DETOXIFICATION of all organs under the supervision of an MD Naturopath. I can add you the name of another genius US Dr about this, and I CAN HELP YOU and GUIDE YOU. You have to clean the GUT ++++ first, and regenerate the Microbiome wich is UNIQUE for each person. Take off all GLUTEN ( It’s all GMO modified by the devil Monsanto). Gluten = Inflammation destroying all organs. The human and animal microbiome is NOT compatible with Gluten, and more GMO Gluten wich have 27 paires of chromosomes, instead of 07 the ancestral one. Take off all cows dairy wich is NOT compatible with human microbiome : contains 4 growth cancer factors + a protein caseine that destroy the Gut Flora. Take of all RED meat for some months. Take of ALL processed food, and ALL Sugars. The REAL RAW Honey is the BEST. My devise is PREVENTING than curing….PLEASE listen to me, and contact all these GENIUS MDs and Dr in Naturopathy. Dr Norman Walker passed away, but his books are GOLD. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ» Dr S. O from Europe/ Africa. Huge huge gratitude and thanks for your courage, integrity.

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