Thursday 13 June 2024


Daily Mail, June 14, 2011: "Peers in attack on BBC over Dignitas death as they accuse bosses of campaigning to change law on assisted suicide"

Promo Code: S…

Introduction: Sometimes I cannot believe that I am positioned exactly where I am during this timeline.

Of all the people you read, fam.

I’m an utter nobody.

Not a Rhodes Scholar or a broken ass brain STEM or a Yalie or a Human Genome Blockchain MKUltra or a Blackrock coming to the island.

A nobody that was asking basic questions about religion and the nature of mankind from the time I was able to talk.

(Conclusion: People make up their religion and pick the parts they like.)

I just started out trying to research the shots in 2021. 

I knew full well something was going on. 

I had no idea.

I. Had. No. Idea.

They went and did it, y’all.

Those rich Scorpions went and did it.

All the stuff they said they were going to do in the Day Tapes.

They ain’t done. 

“Never revisit the decision.”

Promo Code Chasicakes.

Gotdamn I have some sharp ass motherfuckers, homies and hommmettes who choose to spend their time here.

And per capita the most motherfucking Ops and Bots, Potans and Sentient Potans and Bleeding Deacons of Psy Oppery who randomly (🀨) dropped into Psy Op Cul-de-sac Substack commandeered by the most elaborate Tier Two list of minders ever.

Mazeltov, y’all. Thanks for keeping me company.

Even the Kumbayas that I’ve expressed mortal thoughts against, I guess. πŸ˜…

Even the absurdly broken down music types and hospitalists and Dodge Stratus driving Captains of Industry (actually fuck that guy, lol), and the hyper-religious loud-voiced despairing souls desperately trying to hide their own darkness from themselves under cloak of a Sky Fairy Concept.

Now let’s go over some Get the Fuck off this Rock content! 

Feel good stuff!

From 2011.

Peter Smedley after he has taken a fatal drug: The programme makers have been accused of 'romanticising' and 'normalising' assisted death
Final moments: Peter Smedley is held by a doctor at the Swiss assisted suicide clinic after he has taken a fatal drug. Looking on is the retired hotelier's wife of 40 years, Christine. Programme makers have been accused of 'romanticising' and 'normalising' assisted death

Peers in attack on BBC over Dignitas death as they accuse bosses of campaigning to change law on assisted suicide

UPDATED: 20:54 EDT, 14 June 2011

  • Almost 900 people contact the BBC to complain over programme

  • Former bishop of Rochester says the documentary was 'propaganda on one side'

Four senior peers have accused the BBC of  running an ‘orchestrated campaign’ to change the law on assisted death.

They have written to director-general Mark Thompson and BBC Trust chairman  Lord Patten to complain about the programme Terry Pratchett: Choosing To Die.

The peers described Monday night’s documentary, which showed the final moments of desperately ill millionaire  Peter Smedley at the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland, as ‘repugnant’ and ‘disgraceful’.

Mr Smedley takes the deadly barbituates. The BBC has already been branded a 'cheerleader' for the practice
The retired hotelier, who suffered motor neurone disease, gulps down the glass of deadly barbituates. The BBC has already been branded a 'cheerleader' for the practice

Charities, politicians and religious groups joined the chorus of criticism, accusing the programme of being ‘one-sided’ and ‘propaganda’ for euthanasia.

Ten times more viewers complained to the BBC than praised it over the documentary.

In the letter – sent to the Corporation last night – the peers say: ‘Setting aside our repugnance that the death of a patient with motor neurone disease should be turned into a form of voyeuristic entertainment, the BBC has a duty to provide balanced debate.

‘It is not the job of the Corporation to become a lobbying organisation or a cheerleader for those who wish to change the law.’

They point out that the BBC has broadcast four programmes on assisted death in as many years, adding: ‘From the BBC’s coverage few viewers would realise that Parliament has had three votes in the House of Lords, following two full Select Committee inquiries, and that on all three occasions, attempts to change the law have been lost by a significant margin.

‘The BBC, however, seems indifferent to parliamentary opposition, or the views of those who oppose a change in the law on grounds of public safety or for ethical reasons.’

Mr Smedley, pictured with his wife Christine, furthest from the camera, suffered from motor neurone disease
Mr Smedley, pictured with his wife Christine, furthest from the camera. The controversial programme sparked heated debate on Twitter
Millionaire hotel owner Mr Smedley gave Sir Terry and his crew permission to film the moment that he drank poison to end his life shortly before Christmas last year
Millionaire hotel owner Mr Smedley gave Sir Terry and his crew permission to film the moment that he drank poison to end his life shortly before Christmas last year

psstt…Your move, Kirsch. ☝️ Your move, Bob.

Crispin Miller, you already drip with sadness and depression. 

πŸ˜… (Elmo was found dead of suicide later that day.)

LOL. My spot in the bunker is looking bleak.

I ain’t gonna take it.

The Black Rock came to the island.

My goodness do I see this Operation in all of its glory sometimes.

I cannot imagine how tedious it must be to hang out with these Tier Two people. They are the most banal, predictable people on Planet Cull.

Tedious, tired people.

I don’t even mind a good villain.

Hell I used to watch Columbo! πŸ˜…

Let’s get back to Daily Mail now.

A last goodbye: Christine Smedley kisses her husband as he tells her to 'be strong, my darling'
A last goodbye: Christine Smedley kisses her husband as he tells her to 'be strong, my darling'

Okay, that was depressing!

One more interjection. This is the most Day Tapes shit ever! ☝️

Day Tapes quote.


    Another comment that was repeated from time to time, .. this particularly in relation to changing laws and customs, .. and specific changes, .. he said, "Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people and second is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it,"

Frequently he would say, "There is just no other way, There's just no other way!" This seemed to come as a sort of an apology, particularly when .. at the conclusion of describing some particularly offensive changes. For example, the promotion of drug addiction which we'll get into shortly.


    He was very active with population control groups, the population control movement, and population control was really the entry point into specifics following the introduction. He said the population is growing too fast. Numbers of people living at any one time on the planet must be limited or we will run out of space to live. We will outgrow our food supply and we will over-populate the world with our waste.


    Everybody has a right to live only so long. The old are no longer useful. They become a burden. You should be ready to accept death. Most people are. An arbitrary age limit could be established. After all, you have a right to only so many steak dinners, so many orgasms, and so many good pleasures in life. And after you have had enough of them and you're no longer productive, working, and contributing, then you should be ready to step aside for the next generation.

Some things that would help people realize that they had lived long enough, he mentioned several of these - I don't remember them all - here are a few - use of very pale printing ink on forms that people .. are necessary to fill out, so that older people wouldn't be able to read the pale ink as easily and would need to go to younger people for help. Automobile traffic patterns - there would be more high-speed traffic lanes .. traffic patterns that would .. that older people with their slower reflexes would have trouble dealing with and thus, lose some of their independence.

Day Tapes: 1234.

πŸ‘‡ Oh look!

Ezekial Emanuel’s bros are Politician and Diplomat Rahm Emmanuel and Hollywood Kingpin Ari Emmanuel.

Ari Emmanuel is discussed here in New York Mag:

Growing up in Chicago, Emanuel was impish and funny, but also ready to attack anyone who bullied him, or insulted his brothers, or even picked on a stranger who attracted his sympathy. In the third grade, still unable to read, he was diagnosed as having dyslexia and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. He was teased, and he never failed to respond. Years later, reminiscing about confronting one boy, he said, “I wanted to kill that kid—I really almost did, slamming his head into that wooden grate.”

The instinct for combat did not run in the family. His father, Dr. Benjamin Emanuel, was born in Jerusalem and served in the nascent Israeli Army during the Arab-Israeli War, in 1948. An avowed pacifist, he fought for eighteen months with an unloaded gun. He went to medical school in Switzerland. When a radical Zionist group contacted him there to ask if he would send letter bombs to England, he refused.


Rahm was an Obama staffer.

Ari, the model for Ari Gold on Entourage once repped one Donald Trump.

Emanuel founded Endeavor in 1995, and went on to establish himself as one of the country’s most prominent agents, representing Oprah Winfrey, Martin Scorsese, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, and Dwayne Johnson. (In 2010, he also became Donald Trump’s agent.) But Emanuel has always seemed driven by a hunger to upend people’s expectations of him. He craves the stature of a visionary, not of a mere corporate executive. “In ten years, is anybody gonna remember Bob Iger?” he asked me, referring to the executive chairman of the Walt Disney Company. “Probably not. They’re gonna remember Steve Jobs. They’re gonna remember Elon Musk. They’re gonna remember Presidents, actors. You know, businessmen like me, they’re not really.”

Okay, I mean it! Back to Daily Mail!

Baroness Campbell of Surbiton, Baroness Finlay of Llandaff, Lord Alton of Liverpool and Lord Carlile of Berriew, QC, said the BBC ran an ‘orchestrated campaign’ in favour of assisted suicide.

Almost 900 viewers made formal complaints to the Corporation about the programme, which was shown on BBC2 at 9pm, while just 82 contacted the broadcaster to praise it.

It was hosted by novelist and Alzheimer’s sufferer Sir Terry Pratchett, who has campaigned for assisted death to be made legal in Britain.

Hotel owner Mr Smedley, 71, gave Sir Terry and his crew permission to film the moment he drank poison at Dignitas and died shortly before Christmas last year.

His wife of 40 years, Christine, 60, was at his side.

One charity, Care Not Killing, yesterday warned there was a risk of copycat suicides.

The former Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, said: ‘I think an opportunity has been bypassed of having a balanced programme – the thousands of people who use the hospice movement and who have a good and peaceful death, there was very little about them.

‘This was really propaganda on one side.’

And Conservative MP Nadine Dorries warned the BBC was in danger of ‘normalising a very serious issue’.

Charlotte Moore, the BBC’s commissioning editor for documentaries, said: ‘The BBC doesn’t have a stance on assisted suicide, but we do think that this is an important matter of debate. Across all BBC output, we have looked at assisted death, hospice care and  palliative care in a variety of different ways including documentaries and news debates.’

Final moments: Mr Smedley (left) shakes hands with Sir Terry Pratchett at the Swiss clinic
Final moments: Mr Smedley (left) shakes hands with Sir Terry Pratchett at the Swiss clinic
Holding his hand, Mr Smedley's wife watches as he passes away at the Dignitas clinic
Holding his hand, Mr Smedley's wife watches as he passes away at the Dignitas clinic

A BBC spokesman added: ‘Following the programme, we had 82 appreciations and 162 complaints, bringing the total number of complaints up to 898.’

Media regulator Ofcom said  it had received ‘a handful’  of complaints.

Assisted death is not allowed in Britain but the Director of Public Prosecutions recently revised rules stating it is illegal to help anyone kill themselves.

Keir Starmer said he would not prosecute if the motivation of relatives and friends is shown to be purely compassionate and there is no personal gain.

Story time begins at 7:30, which I haz cued for you.


    When the new system takes over people will be expected to sign allegiance to it, indicating that they don't have any reservations or holding back to the old system. "There just won't be any room", he said, "for people who won't go along. We can't have such people cluttering up the place so such people would be taken to special places", and here I don't remember the exact words, but the inference I drew was that at these special places where they were taken, then they would not live very long. He may have said something like, "disposed of humanely", but I don't remember very precisely ... just the impression the system was not going to support them when they would not go along with the system. That would leave death as the only alternative.

Somewhere in this vein he said there would not be any martyrs. When I first heard this I thought it meant the people would not be killed, but as the presentation developed what he meant was they would not be killed in such a way or disposed of in such a way that they could serve as inspiration to other people the way martyrs do. Rather he said something like this. "People will just disappear."

Just a few additional items sort of thrown in here in the end which I failed to include where they belong more perfectly.

One: The bringing in of the new system he said probably would occur on a weekend in the winter. Everything would shut down on Friday evening and Monday morning when everybody wakened there would be an announcement that the New System was in place.

During the process in getting the United States ready for these changes everybody would be busier with less leisure time and less opportunity to really look about and see what was going on around them.

Also, there would be more changes and more difficulty in keeping up as far as one's investments. Investment instruments would be changing. Interest rates would be changing so that it would be a difficult job with keeping up with what you had already earned.

Interesting about automobiles; it would look as though there were many varieties of automobiles, but when you look very closely there would be great duplication. They would be made to look different with chrome and wheel covers and this sort of thing, but looking closely one would see that the same automobile was made by more than one manufacturer. This recently was brought down to me when I was in a parking lot and saw a small Ford - I forget the model - and a small Japanese automobile which were identical except for a number of things like the number of holes in the wheel cover and the chrome around the plate and the shape of the grill. But if you looked at the basic parts of the automobile, they were identical. They just happened to be parked side-by-side where I was struck with this and I was again reminded of what had been said many years ago.

I'm hurrying here because I'm just about to the end of the tape. Let me just summarize here by saying, all of these things said by one individual at one time in one place relating to so many different human endeavors and then to look and see how many of these actually came about ... that is changes accomplished between then and now [1969 - 1988] and the things which are planned for the future, I think there is no denying that this is controlled and there is indeed a conspiracy.

The question then becomes what to do. I think first off, we must put our faith in God and pray and ask for his guidance. And secondly do what we can to inform other individuals as much as possible, as much as they may be interested.

Some people just don't care, because they're preoccupied with getting along in their own personal endeavors. But as much as possible I think we should try to inform other people who may be interested, and again ... put our faith and trust in God and pray constantly for his guidance and for the courage to accept what we may be facing in the near future. Rather than accept peace and justice which we hear so much now ... it's a clichΓ©. Let's insist on liberty and justice for all.

Gonna try and hang in and document this.

Hang in there the best I can and wearily plow through the ideological and the big smarties and the Kumbayas.

Go through the Day Tapes if you want the cheat codes.

They give away the end game of nuclear war brinksmanship to scare the hammers. Underdog no like me discussing it on his board. 

Fair enough.

I make friends everywhere.

Buy me a Kofi!

Who else is gonna give you content like this? πŸ˜…

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