Wednesday 12 June 2024

birx-brained on bird flu

debbie “the calamity” birx is back pushing a new crisis. if it sounds a lot like “the old crisis” well, when you hire cut rate staff writers, you get derivative plotlines. this time, it’s bird flu and it’s infecting cows and soon will ravage us all unless we take dire action. you can pretty much guess the rest of the movie.

her recommendations are to tests the cows daily. test the dairy workers daily. 

and it gets worse from there. give her a listen. judge for yourself.

this part was my favorite:

“i do believe that there’s (sic) undetected cases in humans because we’re once again only tracking people with symptoms. when we did that with covid the virus spread throughout the northeast undetected.”

this is fallacy piled atop fallacy wrapped in an assumption inside of a failed and disproven model.

  1. assumes positive PCR with no symptoms is “a case.” using over-sensitive assays at absurdly overclocked cycle thresholds (CT) is how we made the covid mess and found make believe “cases” and “deaths” everywhere. each cycle is a doubling of virus in the source sample. a 40 CT = 550 billion X amplification. even one virus or even a piece of a virus if it happens to match the areas being looked for will pop as positive. that’s not a case. it’s not clinical. it’s not contagious or even relevant. this is why there has never been a respiratory disease tested for asymptomatically before and never should be again. this is designed to create false crisis. it’s all noise, barely any signal.

  2. she then assumes asymptomatic spread which does occur, but rarely from people who never get symptoms.

  3. worse, she assumes that this “bird flu” is some emergent danger that requires intense and immediate response. “keep calm and carry on” was never an option.

  4. worse still, she assumes that “knowing who is infected” somehow matters. she seems oddly silent on “then what do we do?” quarantine them? cull the cattle? lock down? none of this works. we saw that in flying colors all covid. lockdowns do not stop or even slow spread. “flatten the curve” was made up nonsense just like distancing and masking. and deb is a liar. she knew she was lying when she made up “two weeks to stop the spread.” it was a trojan horse to get you scared, compliant, and then drag it out for ages. she knew this when she did it and did it on purpose because lying to you was the right thing to do and the only way to make you do “the right thing.” but don’t take my word for it, take hers. this is from birx’s own memoir:

"On Monday and Tuesday [March 9th and 10th, 2020]…we worked simultaneously to develop the flatten-the-curve guidance I hoped to present to the vice president at week’s end. Getting buy-in on the simple mitigation measures every American could take was just the first step leading to longer and more aggressive interventions. We had to make these palatable to the administration by avoiding the obvious appearance of a full Italian lockdown. … No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of a two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it. Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread was a start, but I knew it would be just that. I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them."

  1. but worst of all is what she does not say. she does not reference cost. she does not discuss trade offs. she makes the ludicrous claim that we must make failing a test the basis of the definition of who is sick instead of symptoms and tries to frame it as a grand project in innovation. “we have the technology!” this is the same absurdist error of times covidian. burn the world and kill millions to save one purported life. ignore trade offs or risk/reward or cost/benefit. we need to run roughshod over freedom and past practice in the name of technocratic control and precautionary principle.


these people, including the scarf herself, lied about everyhting. they lied about risk, cost, and their intentions. they lied about what disease means, what vaccine means, what efficacy was, and what risks came with it. they suppressed data, hid the bad, and misled about the good. 

they lied about vaccines being systemic risks. they lied about masks about distancing about schools and about lockdowns. they hammered us while they danced. this was the most egregious joyride with lives, livelihoods, and liberties in human history. and the outcomes killed FAR more people than covid ever could have.

and we have the receipts.

this new bird flu trope is a terrible rehash of a terrible tragedy. 

it’s the must miss sequel of the summer.

this is not public health it’s a public menace. 

these “experts” are vastly more dangerous than any of the diseases they seek to “prevent.” small wonder no one trusts them anymore.

they know they cannot get the public onboard so they are pushing the testing industrial complex and all the billions of revenue that comes with it on unsuspecting livestock. they’ll come at it through the FDA and USDA and seek crony mandates and look to parlay that into another round of pandemic theater.

there is no basis for fear or for action here.

when it comes to bird flu, perhaps parrot a different line:

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