Saturday 22 June 2024


Bill Gates Wants to Block-Off the Sun

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First published on May 14, 2024

Global Research Wants to Hear From You!


From the beginning, scientists, politicians and leading cabal figureheads of fake green persuasion, have spoken about “considering carrying out stratospheric geoengineering programs” to block sunlight and cool the planet.

The irony of such statements is that they are made even while such activities are being carried out on a daily basis – in plain sight – and have been for at least the past 25 years.

Then the decidedly deranged Bill Gates steps in to add a further sun dimming dimension to the geoengineered toxic chemtrails already blocking vital sunshine from getting through to all elements of life that depend on it, not least we humans.

The prestigious Forbes ‘millionaire’s magazine’ reports that billionaire Gates’s intervention involves financing Harvard University scientists to establish what is being called ‘The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment’ (SCoPEx) to examine if a sun dimming solution might be achieved by spaying calcium carbonate (CaCo3) dust into the atmosphere.

Forbes simply takes for granted this form of geophysical climate tampering to be a reality of life. 

No doubt multi-millionaires don’t want to be unduly disturbed by investigations into the truth.

Calcium carbonate, the leaders of this project believe, will act as a sun reflecting aerosol that could offset the effects of global warming. It all sounds very familiar, doesn’t it?

Initial experiments, Forbes reports, would be done from near Kiruna in Sweden, from a high altitude balloon releasing some Ca Co3 into the atmosphere at the behest of the ‘Swedish Space Corporation’ (note ‘corporation’) the results being measured by scientific instruments carried by the balloon.

Such devilry, practised today by deviants of humankind like Gates, Schwab, Harari and Ceo’s of the United Nations, The World Health Organisation and the World Economic Forum within the domains of Covid, Climate and the biosphere, is dark indeed.

No wonder they are scared of the sunlight!

It is so easy for people to start following such developments as this Ca Co3 experiment, while completely ignoring the fact that global warming itself is a huge and diversionary scam. An invention – having nothing to do with empirical science or common sense based responsible observation.

So one lands up with layer upon layer of deliberate deception and obfuscation being promoted at vast cost by the main stream media, causing ordinary people to run round and round in ever diminishing circles, trying to make sense of what the supposedly all knowing ‘experts’ are pronouncing to be the latest discovery in how best to poison people and planet, reduce world population and establish themselves as immortal Transhumans. 

CO2 is actually an absolutely essential natural gas without which plant life would die; and because plants turn CO2 into our oxygen supply, so would people.

This is what is encoded as ‘Net Zero’ by our mad oppressors. It’s their ‘password’ for global extinction.

But the unawake think it means ‘the end of global warming’ and vote for the Green Fascism regime that specialises in subverting reality and twisting it into its opposite.

So the process of arriving at this very dark dead-end ‘Net Zero’ (zero carbon) is given the precise opposite slant to the reality, by claiming it as the successful culmination point of Green New Deal/Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 ‘saviour program’.

That’s it! The classic double speak of the well trained demon.

Just like Covid, it’s a huge military and pharmaceutical money laundering exercise. Bill Gates does not invest in anything which doesn’t produce very substantial returns.

He will be counting on this SCoPEx calcium carbonate experiment being deemed ‘a success’ and shares in this and related products, rocketing up into space – like Elon Musk’s Star Link global spy satellites.

However, David Keith, a professor of applied physics at Harvard University, who is working on this program, admits that no one knows what will happen until CaCO3 is released and studies the results afterwards, according to Forbes. 

He even speculates that the dust released could help repair the fractured ozone layer by reacting with ozone destroying chemicals.

Don’t hold your breath. There is always a positive spin put on these madcap scientific games. 

The team pushing forward this project claims to have discovered that volcanoes (spewing out millions of tons of unnotated CO2) produce a sulphuric ash cloud that has been recognised as lowering temperatures on earth by up to 1.5% centigrade.

Yes, so if ‘scientists’ could only see things holistically, they might understand that Gaia (earth) is a living, breathing planet – and that when such a sensitive entity experiences overheating, it sets off a few volcanoes in various parts of the world so as to self correct to its desired equilibrium. 

This is far beyond the comprehension of those locked into severe monocultures of the mind considered a requirement for being taken seriously in academic circles.

The ScoPEx trial and error atmospheric experiment is entered into as though the biosphere was a corporate laboratory, sealed off from any side effects or unexpected reactions – with nobody being asked if they agree to being lab rats on the receiving end of whatever may turn out.

Just like something called ‘Covid’, GMO, chemicals in food, genetically modified mosquitoes, mRNA jabs, fluoride in drinking water, electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and so forth.

“Let’s just put it out there, boys. It’s not our concern, we have legal immunity from having to suffer any negative consequences.”

Bill Gates and his Masonic brotherhood – belong to the Madkind camp; and it is this anti-life sect that regards itself as ‘above’ the need to try to understand the implications of what they get up to. 

So tampering with life support systems is all in the course of a good days work, once one subscribes to The Fourth Industrial Revolution/Green New Deal/Great Reset population reduction agenda – and the emergence of the DNA altered digitalised Transhuman race that is envisaged to follow.

But blocking the sun, Mr Gates. Is this really your latest plan for improving the quality of life of the human race?

Of course. It’s the sun that makes life on earth possible, so it must be rendered incapable of properly performing its duty, otherwise the human race might survive. Even Masonic god forbid, thrive!


A Bill Gates Venture Aims to Spray Dust Into the Atmosphere

to Block the Sun. What Could Go Wrong?

by  Ariel Cohen 

Forbes,  January 2021

Microsoft’s billionaire founder Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology that would potentially reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a global cooling effect. The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), launched by Harvard University scientists, aims to examine this solution by spraying non-toxic calcium carbonate (CaCO3) dust into the atmosphere — a sun-reflecting aerosol that may offset the effects of global warming.  

Widespread research into the efficacy of solar geoengineering has been stalled for years due to controversy. Opponents believe such science comes with unpredictable risks, including extreme shifts in weather patterns not dissimilar to warming trends we are already witnessing. Environmentalists similarly fearthat a dramatic shift in mitigation strategy will be treated as a green light to continue emitting greenhouse gases with little to no changes in current consumption and production patterns. 

SCoPEx will take a small step in its early research this June near the town of Kiruna, Sweden, where the Swedish Space Corporationhas agreed to help launch a balloon carrying scientific equipment 12 miles (20 km) high. The launch will not release any stratospheric aerosols. Rather, it will serve as a test to maneuver the balloon and examine communications and operational systems. If successful, this could be a step towards a second experimental stage that would release a small amount of CaCO3 dust into the atmosphere.

David Keith, a professor of applied physics and public policy at Harvard University, recognizes the “very many real concerns” of geoengineering. It is true that no one knows what will happen until the CaCO3 is released and then studied afterward. Keith and fellow SCoPEx scientists published a paper in 2017 suggesting that the dust may actually replenish the ozone layer by reacting with ozone-destroying molecules. “Further research on this and similar methods could lead to reductions in risks and improved efficacy of solar geoengineering methods,” write the authors of the paper.

The exact amount of CaCO3 needed to cool the planet is unknown, and SCoPEx scientists similarly cannot confirm whether it is the best stratospheric aerosol for the job. Early research suggests that the substance has “near-ideal optical properties” that would allow it to absorb far less radiation that sulfate aerosols, causing significantly less stratospheric heating. This is the purpose of the experiment: once a safe, experimental amount of CaCO3 is released, the balloon will fly through it, sampling atmospheric reactions and recording resulting dynamics. Frank Keutsch, the project’s principal investigator, does not know what the results might bring. The perfect aerosol would not immediately tamper with stratospheric chemistry at all: “The only thing it would do is scatter maximum sunlight and hence cool down the planet.”

Click here to read the full article on Forbes.


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Julian Rose is an organic farmer, writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of four books of which the latest ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ is a clarion call to resist the despotic New World Order takeover of our lives. Do visit his website for further information

He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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