Saturday 15 June 2024


Big Pharma & MKUltra: Mind AND POPULATION Control at the Same Time

In 1947, while the Nuremburg Trials were taking place, the CIA was like “Nuremburg Schmeremburg” and began to study the drug LSD, more specifically, its use as a weapon... 

The CIA loved, I mean LOVED, secret human experimentation. I have already written about them literally hiring a magician to teach them how to secretly poison people (that actually happened) and I'm pretty damn sure they were part of the team who made Anthrax then sent it all over America to stage a terror attack. The CIA even poisoned the water supply on multiple occasions. 

And more. But today we are going to be looking at where specifically the LSD came from… which is going to blow your mind. This post ended up being way longer than planned but trust me when I say, it's worth the time. 


The CIA, under the control of Sidney Gottlieb, who would later become known as The Poisoner in Chief”, was obsessed with drugging people. He was so into it that in the early 1950s he arranged for the CIA to buy the world's entire supply of LSD from Switzerland. However, that LSD wasn’t enough. Yes, just like Scarface, the worlds supply was not enough for the CIA.


The CIA then hired a drug manufacturer called Eli Lilly to produce home-grown LSD in massive bulk quantity, right here in the USA. “Who is Eli Lilly?”, you ask.  “Come into my rabbit hole”, I reply... 

Lilly Biotechnology Center in San Diego, California, USA.


Before we begin, let me tell you who has been on Eli Lilly’s payroll:

  • Former President George Herbert Walker Bush. He was a one-time member of the Eli Lilly board of directors. …Because that's not batshit crazy or anything. 

  • Ken Lay, Former CEO of Enron, who also held a position as a one-time member of the Eli Lilly board of directors. Does one-time board member mean one-time lump sum payout? I’m willing to bet YES. 

  • Mitch Daniels was a former Eli Lilly vice president who co-sponsored a 1991 fundraiser that collected $600,000 for the Bush-Quayle campaign. He would later become George W. Bush's director of Management and Budget

  • George W. Bush's Homeland Security Advisory Council member, Sidney Taurel, was the friggin’ CEO of Eli Lilly. I'm seeing a pattern here…

  • Large donations went from Eli Lilly to The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, also known as NAMI. This might not seem important now, but it will become really “omfg” very soon

  • Eli Lilly is partners with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

  • Lilly is partners with the United Nations UNICEF program

Additionally, they are in cahoots with The Rockefeller Foundation. Nothing to see here…

So this isn’t “just another drug maker”, this is a company with deep governmental ties and deep in George’s Bush… Are you ready for some untold history? You put your adult diaper on, right? If you don’t have one, just sit on some washcloths. 


1953: Only a couple years after it was founded, the CIA was already a professional 3-letter-entity, meaning it knew how to blow taxpayer money. It went to work using tax dollars to pay Eli Lilly to crank out LSD in unfathomable amounts. These drugs were to be used as part of the CIA’s MKUltra program(s). If you’re not familiar with MKUltra, this was the name of the CIA's master-program which featured around 150 sub-programs within it because… “Hostile Nations”. Yep. These psychopaths literally claimed they had to do this crazy shit to us to protect us from China. It’s like someone throwing a brick through the window of your PT Cruiser then saying it’s to learn how to stop other people from bricking your windshield. 

The overall theme of the main MKUltra program was mind control. This involved brainwashing, altering memories, implanting false memories, recalling false implanted memories, fragmenting personalities, mentally breaking people and more. It’s basically like a bad Lifetime movie, but unfortunately, it was very real. The mind control was to be carried out by any means necessary, including drugging and torture. While I would be wondering how I can use mind control to get someone want to wash my dishes, they pondered amongst themselves, “Can we make someone want to murder?”.  At one point they even used the word “Assassin”. 

1954: Like a lightly defrosted chicken going into a pressure cooker, the LSD was ready in record time, and best of all, it was proudly made in the USA. Hooray! We finally had one thing made in this country that we could be proud of. 

After acquiring their new acid, the CIA had to decide who to drug first. I would give my left arm to have been a fly on the wall of that boardroom meeting. They settled on drugging their own employees then upped the ante to military personnel, followed by college students, then doctors. Next came other government agents and prostitutes (that’s redundant wording, isn’t it?). But they didn’t stop there. They dosed mentally ill patients, an entire French village and unknowing members of the general public too. Celebrities and politicians weren’t off-limits. The CIA even paid doctors to dose their own patients. In some cases, people were administered LSD for 77 consecutive days in the name of Science. They secretly drugged Crime Boss Whitey Bulgerwhen he was in prison and rumors are they experimented on Charles Manson at least four different times. But my all time favorite drugging is Wayne Ritchie, a United States Marshal, who they secretly dosed during a Christmas party. A Christmas party, FFS! I’m so totally going to write a post about that, so click it: 

1955: While making the government-sponsored mind altering drugs, Eli Lilly was simultaneously developing vaccines for the general public.  If that didn't make you squint at the screen, how about this: In 1955, Eli Lilly was the first company to manufacture and distribute the Salk Polio Vaccine. If you don’t know why this is a big deal, you're about to find out…

1956: After Eli Lilly produced the Salk Polio Vaccine, the following year the United States had the largest amount of Polio cases in history. As usual, doctors were baffled. The inventor of the vaccine, Jonas Salk, would eventually do a single televised interview, in which he admitted the vaccine caused Polio:

Yep, the drug company made Acid for the government to secretly poison people without consent and they also made a contaminated vaccine that secretly gave people Polio without consent. But like an infomercial says, “that’s not all!”…

Fun Fact: Four more labs would also manufacture the Salk Polio vaccine before it was determined to be dirty.  These four labs were nicknamed “The Rockefeller Chain AND, best of all, the vaccine was so contaminated that even the Rockefeller-owned labs voluntarily stopped making it.

1982:  Eli Lilly created a (supposed) anti-inflammatory drug called Oraflex. Although they claimed clinical trials went flawlessly, after only a few months of it being prescribed in the USA, they had to rush to remove the drug from the market. I guess the problem was that they discovered it causes liver cancer or some blah, blah, blah like that. 

As lawsuits began rolling in over Lillys cancer-causing anti-inflammatory drug, something strange happened… the victims kept losing their cases in court. I know what you're thinking, “Corrupt judge?” Nope.  “Rigged jury?”. Not at all. What actually was happening was Eli Lilly was cutting secret deals with the victims lawyers behind closed doors.  Lilly was paying the lawyers to not introduce any evidence in court related to Oraflex, so when the victims lawyers argued their cases, all they did was verbally accuse Eli Lilly of causing cancer, while never stating their client was prescribed Oraflex. Being that there was no evidence other than a vague accusation, the jury and judge had no choice but to rule against the plaintiffs.

THEN, a Justice Department investigation revealed that, on top of spreading cancer everywhere, Oraflex caused the deaths of more than 100 patients. This lead the DOJ to charge Lilly with 25 counts related to mislabeling side effects. But then…

1985: The higher-ups of the Reagan-Bush Justice Department decided that the charges against Eli were too stiff so they reduced it down to a trivial payment of only $25,000 and a hug. If this was a real life game of Monopoly, they got the Get Out of Jail Free card then hit the jackpot, then landed on Boardwalk, which they already owned so they upgraded to a hotel. 

1986: Only four years after recalling Oraflex, Eli Lilly created what would become their blockbuster smash, a seriously evil drug called Prozac. Prozac is a chemical called fluoxetinethat Eli claimed should be prescribed for depressionpanic attacksobsessive compulsive disorder and bulimia eating disorder because what do these four disorders have in common? Not a God damn thing other than the prescription.

This drug turned out to be something made by Satan in the pits of hell. Although, allegedly, MKUltra ended, Prozac was, and is, a complete mindf*ck drug that does exactly what MKUltra had strived to do. It messes with people’s minds, tampers with memories and changes peoples personalities. In particular, it has a known side effect of making people suicidal or homicidal… kind of how the CIA wanted to know if they could make a killer or mentally break people? Kinda like that? Surely not. MKUltra ended long ago, right?

1987: Prozac is officially given it’s final FDA approval. It would later be discovered that five of the nine FDA panel doctors had ties to Big Pharma, with two of them serving as lead investigators for Lilly-funded Prozac studies, meaning, over 20% of the FDA review board was on the payroll of Lilly, just like basically the entire Bush administration. 

1994: More than 150 lawsuits related to Prozac causing spontaneous violence had been filed and quietly settled. These lawsuits state that after taking the drug as prescribed, nonviolent people were suddenly becoming excessively hostile and behaving recklessly, some becoming mass murderers.  But don’t worry folks, MKUltra ended decades prior. Stupid conspiracy theorists and their stupid observations.

1997: A study was published that demonstrated Prozac (Fluoxetine) was doing all kinds of crazy shit to people and their memories. In some cases, it was causing people to recall what they believed were “remote memories. Remote memories means, essentially, memories you never had before now you suddenly remember… kind of like if some shadowy entity drugged you to implant them? No way! MKUltra ended forever ago. Put on your tinfoil hat and go rant about gay frogs on 4Chan. 

In other cases people were suffering memory loss. Many patients reported extreme anxiety or anger and some men were spontaneously jizzing all over. I guess if you have to pick from the list of potential side effects, busting a load at random is the lesser of all evils… unless you’re in church. If there’s one time you don’t want to involuntarily orgasm, it’s during communion. Thanks Prozac!

2000: The World Health Organization says that 800,000–1,000,000 individuals died by suicide in the year 2000, making it the 13th leading cause of death in the United States during this year. 

2004: With suicides spiraling out of control, the FDA sprang into action and did its job to the fullest to save the American people by immediately requiring a black box warning to be printed on antidepressants regarding the risk of suicide in children and young adults. Thank the Lord for the FDA. I sleep great at night knowing they are fighting so hard to keep us safe. To help save the youth, I designed some black boxes for the FDA:

2005: DAMN IT! The Black Box warning isn’t protecting the masses! The suicide rate has shattered the all-time high and is continuing to increase. There’s not much more the FDA can do so they publish, “Increases in suicidal thinking or behavior can be expected in about 1 out of 50 treated pediatric patients."  … did you read that? 1 IN 50 KIDS! For reference, the odds of cracking a double-yolk egg are 1 in 1,000. The odds of getting audited by the IRS are roughly 1 in every 220 taxpayers. The odds of dying in a car accident is listed as 1 in 101. The odds of your kid becoming suicidal after taking a drug to help with their eating disorder is 1 IN 50. BUT the good news is that black box should start helping any moment. Please hurry, little black box! 

Also 2005: The Anti-Depressant market was booming like never before. Now, in the USA, there’s over 15 MILLION people on anti depressants and over 16% of those patients are taking two OR MORE different mindf*ck scripts. What could possibly go wrong?

Frontiers | National Prescription Patterns of Antidepressants in the  Treatment of Adults With Major Depression in the US Between 1996 and 2015:  A Population Representative Survey Based Analysis

2010: Baffled dctors are even more baffled by mental disorders now plaguing the United States. Thankfully, Lilly rushed in to help. Eli Lilly releases Zyprexa in the USA, a “long lasting ANTIPSYCHOTIC” that is administered by injection, to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. Here’s the batshit crazy part: this injection is somehow covered by Medicaid. Get this, worldwide in a single year, Zyprexa grossed $4.28 billion… AND 70% OF THAT WAS FROM MEDICAID. Do you see what’s going on here? If you don’t, let me spell it out… the government is using tax dollars to inject lower income people, who are already depressed, with a long-lasting drug which, we will come to find out in 2016, also makes them suicidal. 

By 2011: People began publicly begging for help on Reddit. They were taking Prozac and suffering horrible suicidal thoughts. I guess they didn’t see that FDA black box? Maybe the black box wasn’t large enough? Perhaps if the box was yellow instead of black they would have noticed it? What more could the FDA have possibly done?

2015: This one is crazy…. Eli Lilly donated $12.2 MILLION to the United Way. FYI: United, along with Sierra Club, The Ford Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the UN and more, all advocate for population control. What could possibly control the population better than a drug that makes people kill themselves or others? 

2016: Six YEARS after its release, it is discovered that Zyprexa is ALSO making people suicidal.  But the truth is, it didn't take six years to learn this because in five pre-marketing clinical trials conducted by Eli Lilly involving 2,500 patients, 12 patients committed suicide, making Zyprexa the drug with the highest suicide rate of any other antipsychotic in clinical history, according to Dr. David Healy, a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Wales.

Now think about this… the CIA contracted this company to make a mind control drug so they could secretly run experiments on American Citizens. The drug (LSD) turned out to be a flop in terms of mind control BUT the same f*cking company ends up manufacturing TWO drugs that do alter people’s minds, which can range from making them suicidal to making them John Wick, then, the suicide rate skyrockets, and then we find out the drug manufacturer is mingling with organizations that are on board with the population control agenda? AND while all this is going on, the government is subsidizing injections through Medicaid? You don’t need to piece the puzzle together, the puzzle is already complete, glued to a mat, framed and hung on the wall. Dammit, I forgot to add the contaminated Polio vaccine debacle and payrolling the Bush administration to that evil deeds list. 


The Top Countries for Antidepressant Use

…And suicides were skyrocketing like never before. There's so many suicides that they maxed out the chart:

Suicide in the United States - Wikipedia

And this is where things are going to shift gears: 

October 2020: Eli signs a contract with the Department of Defense for almost 1 million doses of Monoclonal Antibodies called “LY-CoV555”. Tax dollars paid $812,000,000 for this.  I told you guys I had a bad feeling about these Monoclonal’s being a psyop

The more I learn about them, the more WTF they become:

Anyway, let’s get back to the contract. Page #64 of the contract is dated October 26th, 2020, which is puzzling, because Eli Lilly had these antibodies ready and approved for injection on November 9, 2020, that is basically 14 days after signing the contract. I thought to myself, “that doesn’t make sense. How could any form of “medicine” be invented, developed, tested, inspected, mass produced and ready for use in only two weeks? Let alone a new technology?”. Then I saw this…

If you open the PDF and start scrolling, toward the very end there are some attachments added to the contract. Scroll all the way down to page #70 (out of 96), you will see that it says “Title of Data Item: Daily check in with project staff for COVID-19 Agreement”:

And if you look at the bottom of that exact same page, page #70 out of 96 total, you will see a date, February 2001:

Perhaps you could argue that they just used an old form because forms from 2001 are all the government had to create multi-million-dollar-contracts on, however there are no other dates on these pages of the documents. What is also interesting, is if you scroll to page #65 and look at all of the contracts attached (pages #65-95), they cover the entire process of developing monoclonal antibodies, getting it approved by the FDA, making a press release, setting up a supply chain, manufacturing in mass and distribution. Which makes more sense, that this was done in 14 total days or that the process was planned long ago? Another thing, all of these “2001” contracts have the correct document numbers. There are 32 total pages of the “2001” contract, and they are all correctly labeled:

Meaning, someone took papers dated 2001, created 32 consecutive pages of them and took the time to type each page number in. The contracts would go on to be reviewed by lawyers and approved. Then these 32 pages, written on 2001 contract paper, would later be added into a contract authored in 2020, also regarding Covid-19.

I hope your washcloths held up. Now go take your Prozac and get your government sponsored Monoclonal Antibodies. 

Buy Me a Coffee (With Whiskey!)

Now it’s time to read this: 


My sources section consists of everything I looked at to write this article. Not all sources are used in the finished product, but if you are looking to research this topic, here you go:

CIA documents: Document #24, 16 November, 1953, Subject: ARTICHOKE Conference; Document #268, 23 October, 1953, Subject: Meeting in Director's Office at 1100 hours on 23 October with Mr. Wisner and [deleted]; Document # 316,6 January,1954, Subject: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25); and Document #338, 26 October 1954, Subject: Potential Large Scale Availability of LSD through newly discovered synthesis by [deleted]; interviews with Sandoz and Lilly former executives; and Sidney Gottlieb's testimony before Kennedy subcommittee, 1977, p. 203. Marks, John (1979). The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: CIA and Mind Control. W W Norton & Co Ltd, 264. ISBN 0393307948

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