Tuesday 18 June 2024


BAN mRNA JABS NOW, Demands Top Scientist

The lead author of a study that revealed serious adverse events in the original trials of the mRNA covid vaccines has called for the products to be withdrawn...

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By Neville Hodgkinson June 18, 2024

The lead author of a study that revealed serious adverse events in the original trials of the mRNA covid vaccines has called for the products to be withdrawn, citing ‘multiple new pieces of evidence’ of the harm they are causing.

American clinical scientist and physician Dr Joseph Fraiman headed a peer-reviewed analysis of the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trial data which found that the jabs increased serious harms, particularly heart damage, at a rate of one in 800 recipients. The work, which challenged the ‘safe and effective’ claims, was published in the journal Vaccine in September 2022.

Although the risks had not been disclosed to the public, Fraiman and his co-authors did not believe at the time that an immediate ban was warranted, and called instead for the release of more data by the drug companies to enable more detailed analysis.

But in a short statement, featured here last week on Dr John Campbell’s  video channel, Fraiman cites a British Medical Journal article about data gathered by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showing exactly the same serious adverse events, but not publicly disclosed.

He adds that many autopsy studies have found ‘essentially conclusive’ evidence that the vaccines are causing sudden cardiac deaths.

Because of official denial of the risks, no one knows the extent of the problem, but nations using the jabs have had significantly more people dying than would be expected from the records of past years.

This excess mortality has accompanied both the initial vaccine rollout and subsequent booster campaigns.  Nations with higher mRNA uptake have higher rates of excess mortality.

‘While the cause of this excess mortality is not known, researchers analysing this data were unable to identify any other reasonable cause of the excess deaths other than the vaccines,’ Fraiman says.

He concludes that with the virus now being less virulent than at first, and able to evade vaccine protection, the products should be withdrawn ‘until new randomised controlled trials can clearly demonstrate that the benefits outweigh the serious harm we now know the vaccines are causing’.

Campbell, a nurse educator who has won an audience of millions with calm, well-informed talks on the mismanagement of covid, comments: ‘If the FDA did not inform the public, how on earth can citizens give informed consent?’ He points out that increased deaths are being seen in the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, and around the Western world where vaccination was extensive. Where its use was much less, such as in many African countries, the problem is either non-existent or minimal.

He lists some of the plausible mechanisms of harm from the novel RNA jabs spelled out by researchers, including inflammatory reactions ‘potentially in any part of the body – little organs like the brain, the heart, ovaries, testes’.

He also cites concerns that the mRNA products may change our DNA, causing possible generational damage. All vaccines based on the technology should be suspended until there is convincing evidence that this cannot happen. 

‘It’s time for some humility. Time for a pause. Time to analyse the longer-term adverse reactions; time to examine the post-vaccine syndrome that we’ve interviewed so many people on this channel about.’

He doubts that that will happen, however, pointing out that there are now giant Moderna mRNA manufacturing facilities under construction in Canada, in Oxford in the UK, in Australia, and other parts of the world.

These massive investments in the technology support long-standing claims (see here and here) by the analyst Dr David Martin that far from being a surprise, the covid crisis emerged from decades of biowarfare research, funded through an unholy partnership between defence and health agencies, working hand-in-glove with giant pharmaceutical companies.

‘I think governments around the world are committed to massive rollout of mRNAs,’ Campbell says. ‘Governments, and vested interests, seem determined to plough ahead with this; and the siren voices of dissent . . . are just ignored.’

That may be harder to do in the wake of the UK’s General Election. Reform, now edging ahead of the Conservatives in a YouGov poll, is the only party calling for a public inquiry into excess deaths and vaccine harms. Millions of people, grossly misled on Covid issues by politicians, the mainstream media, and scientific and medical communities, look set to register their disgust over this betrayal at the ballot box. 

Source: onservativewoman.co.uk


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