Sunday, 8 December 2024


Breaking: Former Trump Administration HHS Senior Advisor Provides Affidavit: "mRNA nanoparticle injections, are in fact biological and technological weapons of mass destruction"

Former Trump Administration Health and Human Services (HHS) Senior Advisor, and epidemiologist, Dr. Paul Alexander, provided an affidavit stating that mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological and technological weapons. Dr. Alexander, a Trump loyalist, provided the affidavit in a new case in the State of Florida

Case # 2024-CA-001977 initiated by psychotherapist, Dr. Joseph Sansone is seeking an injunction to prohibit Governor Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody from allowing the continued distribution of COVID-19 and mRNA injections in the State of Florida because they are biological weapons. The complaint also seeks declaratory judgements that the COVID 19 injections and all mRNA nanoparticle injections violate Weapons of Mass Destruction § 790.166, Fla. Stat. (2023); Fraud § 817.034 Fla Stat. (2023); and Florida Medical Consent Law § 766.103 Fla Stat. (2023). 

Dr. Alexander has a bachelor's degree in epidemiology from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, and a master's degree from Oxford University. And a PhD from McMaster University's Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact. Dr. Alexander’s master’s degree is in clinical epidemiology and community health from University of Toronto, a masters in evidence based medicine and clinical epidemiology from Oxford, a doctorate in evidence based medicine.

Dr. Alexander served as a pandemic advisor to The World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization (WHO, PAHO) as it related to COVID in 2019 and 2020 and also was then taken on by the Trump administration; and served in the Trump administration as a senior advisor at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) during the COVID pandemic 2020.

At the height of the COVID hysteria Dr. Alexander was a calm voice of reason opposing draconian measures such as masks, social distancing, and lockdowns. Dr. Alexander also stood in support of Canadian truckers and the freedom convoy that was later crushed by Canadian dictator Justin Trudeau. 

Dr. Alexander’s affidavit is the ninth expert affidavit provided in the case stating the injections are bioweapons. Affidavits were provided by Francis Boyle, J.D., PhDKaren KingstonAna Mihalcea, M.D., PhDRima Laibow, M.D.; Andrew Zywiec, M.D.; Marivic Villa, M.D., and Avery Brinkley, M.D., and Dr. Ben Marble, M.D. 

A screenshot of Dr. Alexander’s affidavit is below. 

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Dr. Joseph Sansone is a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism.

Mind Matters and Everything Else is 100% independent. If you appreciate my writing and advocacy and would like to support it, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription or making a donation of any amount. Donations may be sent c/o Joseph Sansone, 27499 Riverview Center Boulevard, Bonita Springs, Florida 34134, United States, or make an online donation on Ko-Fi here.


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BioNTech RNA-Based COVID-19 Injections Contain Large Amounts of Residual DNA

Including an SV40 Promoter/Enhancer Sequence


In 2020, politically promoted campaigns like “Operation Warp Speed” [1,2] and “Project Lightspeed” [3,4] pushed the development of a completely new class of drugs finally aiming at vaccinating seven billion people worldwide against COVID-19 [5]. These so-called “mRNA-vaccines” – hereinafter referred to as RNA injections or RNA biologicals – consist of nucleoside-modified mRNA (modRNA) packaged in transfection-competent lipid nanoparticles (LNP). According to the underlying idea, modRNA, once in the cell, forces this cell to produce SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins and present it on the cell surface, subsequently resulting in the stimulation of the immune system to generate specific antibodies against the presented spike antigen [6,7]. The “speed of science” [8] and the demand of the governments worldwide faced the manufacturers with the challenge to produce large amounts of modRNA within a very short time. Thus, the initial PCR-based process for the generation of the DNA matrices (process-1) for modRNA production, which received authorization for use in the phase-3 clinical trial, very soon reached its limits and the companies switched to a large-scale production of DNA matrices via cloned shuttle vectors, which can be easily multiplied in bacterial cell culture systems (process-2) [9]. Starting with the governmental vaccine roll-out, this process-2 product was employed instead of the original product.

Already in 2021, it has been reported that the modRNA-induced spike proteins could be found circulating in the blood of vaccinees weeks after the injections [10]. In 2022, the first detailed post-mortem investigation revealed the presence of vaccine-induced spike proteins at multiple locations in vessel walls and different tissues weeks after the last BNT162b2 injection [11]. Recently, vaccine-induced spike proteins were identified in placentas of women injected with RNA biologicals during pregnancy [12]. Dhuli and colleagues reported the presence of a sequence corresponding to a fragment of the modRNA in blood cells of long-COVID patients with a history of two doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine [13]. Importantly, the production of spike proteins by the body cells is not restricted to the injection area and did not terminate within a few days as had been proclaimed by the manufacturers and the responsible authorities. Several mechanisms have been suggested so far that could contribute to the remarkable long-lasting expression of spike proteins in vaccinated individuals.

First, biologicals contain nucleoside-modified mRNA (modRNA) to extend its lifetime [14], to reduce its destruction by turning off toll-like receptor detection [15], and to maximize its translation. This was achieved by replacing natural uridines with synthetic N1-methyl-pseudouridines (mPsi) and by increasing the content in guanine and cytosine (known as codon optimization) [6,14,16].

Second, transfected modRNA may be reverse transcribed into DNA and integrated into the cell´s genome via a LINE1 (Long Interspersed Nuclear Element-1) mediated mechanism, as data from transfection experiments in human cell lines HEK293T [17] and Huh7 [18] suggested.

Third, lipid nanoparticles (LNP) delivering modRNA to the cells may also contain DNA, which originated from the production process, where spike-coding DNA was used as a template for the in-vitro transcription of modRNA. Remaining DNA may not completely be separated from modRNA and degraded by deoxyribonuclease-I (DNase-I) digestion and, subsequently, be packaged in the LNP together with the modRNA. It is well known that DNase-I can adhere to the surfaces of reaction vessels and can exhibit reduced efficiency in the presence of hybrids of DNA and RNA [19]. According to a manufacturer, it is “probably impossible to remove every single strand of DNA in an RNA preparation” [20]. Given the fact that the European Medicines Agency and the German Paul Ehrlich Institute fixed a residual DNA of 10 ng per injected clinical dose as acceptable (and indeed DNA up to this margin was shown in the registration documents [9]), it makes a packaging of this DNA into the lipid nanoparticles highly likely.

This possibility emerged on the scene in February 2023, when McKernan and colleagues announced the discovery of large amounts of both spike-coding DNA and residual plasmid-DNA derived from the expression vector system in BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna vaccine lots [21,22]. The bulk was represented by fragmented, linearized DNA, but also intact plasmids being able to successfully transfect E. coli cells [21,22]. Assuming that these intact plasmids were packaged in the LNP together with the modRNA, stable expression vectors could enter the cells and thus provide a rich source of long-lasting spike production in the case that the cells are able to transcribe the coded spike region. Incomprehensibly, plasmids from BioNTech/Pfizer, but not from Moderna, do not only contain the bacterial T7 promoter system, but also the mammalian Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter/enhancer sequence [23-25]. This gives cause for concern, as already in 1999, Dean and colleagues demonstrated that nuclear entry of plasmid-DNA, especially in non-dividing cells, requires a 72 bp sequence of the SV40 promoter/enhancer [23]. Of note, neither the promoter, nor the origin of replication are needed for nuclear localization of plasmid-DNA [23]. Meanwhile, the results of the McKernan team have been confirmed and extended [26]. Recently, König and Kirchner published data on large amounts of residual DNA within several BNT162b2 lots [27].

Against this background, we performed a series of experiments to answer the following urgent questions. First, can the large amount of residual DNA in BioNTech lots [27] and even plasmids identified in Pfizer lots [21,22] be confirmed on BioNTech only lots (BNT162b2, Comirnaty) distributed in Germany by different comparable DNA detection methods? Second, can residual plasmids or DNA fragments, if present, be efficiently transfected into human cells together with the coding modRNA? Third, can these biologicals induce continued cellular expression of spike protein thus creating long-term foci for immune attack? To answer these questions, we applied an in-vitro cell culture model using HEK293 cells, as these cells simulate dividing human cells and, therefore, are not only a suitable target for protein production but are also most susceptible for a potential interaction of the transfected foreign nucleic acids and the cell´s genome. The fact that we obtained positive results on all issues raises the strongest concerns on the safety of the BNT162b2 vaccine.

Click here to read the report.


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Featured image is from Mercola

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Friday, 6 December 2024


Globalist Billionaire Bill Gates Slammed for Treating India as His Personal Testing Ground for Dangerous Experiments

Globalist Agenda Unmasked

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By RAIR Foundation  December 5, 2024

Billionaire globalist Bill Gates is facing a massive backlash after casually referring to India as a “kind of laboratory to try things out” during a podcast with Reid Hoffman. For many Indians, this statement exposed the arrogance of Gates and his belief that he could treat sovereign nations as mere testing grounds for his globalist experiments.

According to Gates, India is where “things are proven” before being unleashed on the rest of the world—a chilling revelation of his approach to using one of the world’s largest populations as a tool for his agenda. 

Exploiting the Vulnerable

Gates also boasted that the Gates Foundation’s largest office outside the U.S. operates in India and that the majority of its pilot projects are being rolled out there. But are these projects about helping India—or exploiting its population under the guise of “philanthropy”?

Investigative journalist Vijay Patel minced no words: “India is a laboratory, and we Indians are guinea pigs for Bill Gates.” Patel’s sentiment is echoed by millions who see Gates’ actions as part of a larger globalist agenda to control food systems, healthcare, and even basic freedoms. 

“Climate Vaccines” and Experimental Programs

In the same interview, Gates unveiled plans for “climate vaccines” for cows—an experiment to modify their microbiomes so they emit no greenhouse gases. This dystopian idea is just the tip of the iceberg. The Gates Foundation’s track record of “philanthropic experiments” in India is far from clean. 

Filmmaker Mikki Willis, director of the Plandemicdocumentary, revealed horrifying details of Gates Foundation projects in India. He uncovered stories of children being subjected to experimental vaccines under the false pretense of receiving vitamins. Parents in impoverished villages were deceived, and girls were reportedly taken without consent to receive cervical cancer vaccines. Many returned paralyzed—some never returned at all. 

Sterilization Scandals and Corruption

Willis wasn’t the only one to sound the alarm. Investigative journalist Ben Swann exposed claimsthat thousands—possibly half a million—girls were sterilized as a result of Gates Foundation vaccine trials. The fallout was so severe that the Indian Parliament launched an investigation, uncovering seven deaths directly linked to the project. Corruption ran rampant: politicians were bribed, and basic ethical standards were ignored.

Globalist Agenda Unmasked

Gates’ recent comments expose an elitist mindset behind his so-called philanthropy. For Gates, India isn’t a nation of people with rights and dignity—it’s a petri dish for testing globalist schemes before rolling them out worldwide.

This isn’t charity—it’s exploitation. And it’s another reminder of the dangers of unchecked power in the hands of billionaires pushing globalist agendas. For the people of India and beyond, the message is clear: resist the experiments and reclaim your sovereignty from those who see you as nothing more than a statistic in their grand designs.


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Thursday, 5 December 2024


Arla’s Bovaer food additive is not food, it is a drug

Last week, we published an article about the project Arla has launched to feed cattle with Bovaer which contains silicon dioxide, propylene glycol and 3-nitrooxypropanol (“3-NOP”).  According to the FDA, Bovaer is not a food, it is a drug.

There has been an enormous public backlash with the public boycotting Arla products and Arla’s partners.  

There seems to be a lot that is unknown about this new drug being fed to dairy cattle. Considering it is what can only be described as an experiment on both animals and humans, it’s not surprising farmers and the public are outraged.

A farmer posted a quick video on Sunday to thank the public for standing up to Arla.

Peter Sanford on Twitter, 3 December 2024

If you would like an indication of which products Arla is potentially contaminating with its drug and so should be avoided, the Daily Mail has helpfully provided a list in its article ‘Full list of Arla Foods’ Bovaer ‘contaminated’ products boycotted by customers: from Lurpak to Cravendale and even Starbucks, as controversial cow feed additive sparks backlash’.

Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

The UK Food Standards Agency is insisting Bovaer is “safe.”  A spokesman told MailOnline: “Milk from cows given Bovaer, a feed additive used to reduce methane emissions, is safe to drink.”

On Monday, The Standard said,  “On 26 November, Arla announced a new project that it hopes will cut the UK’s methane emissions.  Methane is a greenhouse gas and contributes to climate change … The initiative is part of Arla’s wider commitment to reduce the environmental impact of its dairy production. The organisation is aiming to reduce its CO2 emissions by 30 per cent by 2030.”

Using the excuse “to reduce methane emissions” and “CO2 emissions” and then tying it to Agenda 2030’s deadline of 2030, should raise an immediate red flag to anyone who has done even a little research in the last few years. 

There is no anthropogenic climate change crisis, and, as we mentioned in our article last week, methane is an important part of the biogenic carbon cycle.  As we all know from primary school lessons, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the elixir of life, supporting plants since the world began and making virtually all life on Earth possible.

The whole false anthropogenic climate change narrative should have disintegrated in 2009 when the Climategate emails were released.  But such is the determination, and money, of those who want to keep the UN’s agenda alive.

Related: Climategate is the worst scientific scandal of our generation

The Standard also reiterated the claim that Bovaer is safe, even though the outlet conceded that the UK Food Standards Agency said 3-NOP “should be considered corrosive to the eyes, a skin irritant and potentially harmful by inhalation” to humans handling it.

The Standard quoted an animal nutrition specialist at DSM, the first half in DSM-Firmenich which is the manufacturer of Bovaer, as saying “In every case, it [the additive] has proven safe for animal, farmer and consumer.”

How many “cases”? How has Bovaer been proven safe and what testing has been conducted?

It seems The Standard didn’t ask these basic questions. Besides that, the news outlet should know better than to rely solely on a quote from someone whose livelihood depends on the success of Bovaer.

Arla published a statement on Monday that said “Bovaer has undergone extensive testing to ensure it is safe for cows and humans.” 

Yes, Arla would say that. Notably, Arla offered no proof to back up their statement.  The world has long moved past the “trust me because I said so” stage.  Perhaps Arla hasn’t realised that most of the population doesn’t trust the government, regulatory or public bodies, or the large corporations that stand to benefit from the various scams pushed by the controligarchs at the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.

So, has Bovaer “undergone extensive testing to ensure it is safe for cows and humans” as Arla claims?

Table of Contents

UK Food Standards Agency Assessment

The Food Standards Agency (“FSA”) doesn’t seem to have carried out any testing.  It merely evaluated risk assessments provided by DSM-Firmenich and relied on information from the European Reference Laboratory.

In its application for approval, DSM-Firmenich provided two tolerance studies to prove Bovaer’s safety for dairy cows.  One study involved 16 cows, 12 that were given varying doses of Bovaer for 90 days and 4 in the control group.

“The applicant claimed that a margin of safety of 5 could be derived from this study, but the JEG challenged this claim based on shortcomings in its design and implementation … It was considered that such a low sample size would be unlikely to yield reliable statistics, especially given that two cows … were euthanised prematurely,” FSA said.

The second study involved 80 cows, 60 were given varying doses of Bovaer for 56 days and 20 were in the control group. The highest dose given to a group of 20 cows was 200 mg/kg.

“At the 200 mg dose, effects identified included decreased ovary size, decreased serum activities of ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and LDH (lactate dehydrogenase), and reduced feed and water intake,” FSA noted.  However, the FSA explained these possible adverse effects away and concluded that “the additive could be considered safe at a dose of 200 mg/kg.”

DSM-Firmenich provided three studies to prove safety for the consumer, one carcinogenicity study and two studies for genotoxicity.  The carcinogenicity study was conducted in Wistar rats.  One of the two genotoxicity studies was conducted in vitro (outside a living organism, for example in a petri dish or test tube) and the other in vivo (within a living organism).

For the in vivo study, “the results [for genotoxicity] were negative except for males dosed at the top dose and sacrificed at 24 hours.”  Based on this study, which lasted for 24 hours before the animals (it doesn’t mention what kind of animals, we assume mice or hamsters) were euthanised, FSA concluded that “3-NOP is non-genotoxic in vivo.”

On the information the FSA has made public, it doesn’t seem Bovaer has “undergone extensive testing.”

Read more: Outcome of assessment of 3-Nitrooxypropanol “3-NOP” – Assessment, Food Standards Agency, published 31 March 2023 and updated on 20 March 2024

US Food and Drug Administration Assessment

Yesterday the Daily Mail reported that “DSM-Firmenich considers Bovaer a ‘blockbuster’ product and a recent deal to licence Bovaer in the US is expected to generate revenues of more than $200m (£158m).”  But evidence of the “extensive testing” Arla claims seems to be less “extensive” and more “narrow” there as well.

In a letter regarding 3-NOP marketed as Bovaer earlier this year, the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) said:

Based on the information provided in your letter, Bovaer 10 is an article (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of an animal, and therefore it is a drug. [Emphasis added]

Directions for Use:

Data supporting effectiveness has been evaluated when fed for no more than 105 days. Methane gas emissions were measured for individual animals. Data were not evaluated at the herd, farm, or larger scale. Data were not evaluated for other gas emissions. Milk production, feed efficiency, and milk solids have not been evaluated. [Emphasis added]


Do not feed undiluted. For use in feed for lactating dairy cows only. Not for use in dry dairy cows, bulls, replacement heifers or bulls, growing cattle, or other ruminant species because safety and effectiveness have not been evaluated in these animals. Silicon dioxide from all sources cannot exceed 2 per cent by weight of the complete feed.

A decrease in dry matter intake may be observed in some animals. [Emphasis added]


Not for human use. Caution should be exercised when handling this product. 3-nitrooxypropanol may damage male fertility and reproductive organs, is potentially harmful when inhaled, and is a skin and eye irritant. Personal protective gear, including eye wear, a dust mask, and impervious gloves, should be worn when handling this product. Operators should wash hands after handling. If accidental eye exposure occurs, rinse eyes thoroughly with water. The safety data sheet contains more detailed occupational safety information.

Letter to Elanco from the FDA, 24 May 2024

It seems according to the information supplied to the FDA, Bovaer is a drug, not a food, and there has been limited testing, less than 105 days, on a small scale. Also, does “a decrease in dry matter intake” indicate that the animals are eating less because they are unwell?

Although there are no details in the FDA’s letter there seems to be sufficient information to make an initial assessment; can anyone claim Bovaer has “undergone extensive testing”? No. Tests were conducted for less than 105 days on a small scale; “data were not evaluated at the herd, farm, or larger scale.”

As a drug, should it be only the FSA that approves Bovaer’s use in the UK? How much do people who are supposedly specialists in food safety know about pharmacology and drug safety? It would be prudent to view Bovaer as an unapproved, unregulated drug until proven otherwise.

European Food Safety Authority Assessment

Expanding on the “potentially harmful when inhaled” statement in the FDA’s letter, the European Food Safety Authority (“EFSA”) notedthat “the active substance 3‐NOP may be harmful if inhaled … the genotoxicity of 3‐NOP is not completely elucidated, [so] the exposure through inhalation of the additive may represent an additional risk for the user.”

“The genotoxicity of 3‐NOP is not completely elucidated” contrasts with what the FSA said.  The difference in opinion may be due to timing.  EFSA’s assessment is dated 2021 and the FSA assessed Bovaer two years later in 2023 (updated 2024).

We have to ask: if caution should be exercised in handling the product, how safe is it for cows to eat?  It seems this is not as well-known as Arla claims.  EFSA says:

Systemic exposure or site of contact toxicityfor the active substance 3‐nitrooxypropanol (3‐NOP), for which genotoxicity has not been fully clarified, in the target species, is unlikelybased on ADME data available.  Consequently, the FEEDAP Panel concluded that Bovaer 10 was safe for dairy cows at the maximum recommended level. However, as a margin of safety could not be established, the FEEDAP Panel could not conclude on the safety of the additive for other animal species/categories. [Emphasis added]

Safety and efficacy of a feed additive consisting of 3‐nitrooxypropanol (Bovaer 10) for ruminants for milk production and reproduction (DSM Nutritional Products Ltd), European Food Safety Authority, 19 November 2021

Do you believe Bovaer has “undergone extensive testing”?

Always Ask Questions

If in doubt, the precautionary principle should apply: If it is possible that a given policy or action might cause harm to the public or the environment and if there is still no scientific agreement on the issue, the policy or action in question should not be carried out.

The British charity Soil Association agrees.  In response to queries received about Arla’s dubious project and the products Arla markets as organic, the Soil Association said:

Soil Association organic standards stipulate that all ingredients or components of a feed additive must be actively approved for use and be deemed safe and nutritionally useful for the animal.  The main components that make up Bovaer are not included in the list of approved products or compounds and as a result, Bovaer would not be permitted under organic standards and for use in organic farming.

Any organic milk [Arla] supply must meet organic regulation requirements and the production has to be completely separate from any non-organic milk. This must be demonstrated and independently audited every year.

Soil Association response to questions about Bovaer and Organic, Soil Association, 2 December 2024

Arla is attempting to introduce potentially harmful drugs to animals in their feed under false pretences of a “climate change crisis.” Do you trust Arla to follow organic standards? No?  Nor do we.

We don’t need science papers, studies or food standard authorities to use our discernment.  Based on our God-given logic and reasoning, and our recent experiences of the harmful covid “vaccines” – which were and still are publicised as “safe and effective” by health and regulatory bodies – would you risk drinking milk or eating cheese produced by Arla?

If you choose not to participate in yet another experiment, you can find farms run by people who feel the same and are declaring themselves to be Bovaer-free HERE. You can also find a Bovaer-free dairy near you HERE.

You may be interested to know that DSM-Firmenich, the manufacturer of the drug Bovaer, also makes dietary supplements and medical nutrition products for humans.  In the video below, recorded on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos at the beginning of the year, DSM-Firmenich CEO Dimitri De Vreeze spoke about the company’s “sustainable feed additive” and the weight-loss drug market, from which it hopes to profit in the form of new innovations in, for example, pre-biotics and pro-biotics to restore gut biomes.

We are positive on the weight-loss drug boom, DSM-Firmenich CEO says, CNBC, 16 January 2024 (5 mins)

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