Tuesday 11 June 2024


CV19 Vax is Death by Government – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

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By Greg Hunter June 6, 2024

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was one of the first doctors to sound the alarm on the massive deaths and disabilities that would come from the CV19 “vaccine.”  

She was right, but that did not stop the Ohio Medical Board from suspending her license.  Dr. Tenpenny recently had her medical license restored, and she did not have to make a single retraction about warnings she gave about the CV19 bioweapon vax.  Now, Dr. Tenpenny is sounding the alarm again and telling people NOT to take the new experimental “Bird Flu” vax.  

Dr. Tenpenny says to expect more deaths and injuries from this medical malpractice, too.  Dr. Tenpenny explains, “This is democide.  Democide is death by government.  I hope people remember that and will not be fooled by the next round of scare tactics that they are starting to ramp up about the Bird Flu.  

They tried this with the Marburg virus.  They tried it with Ebola.  They tried it with Monkey Pox.  Now, they are trying it with Bird Flu. . . . Back in 2005, I actually wrote a book called ‘Foul Bird Flu: It’s Not What You Think.’  I am going to be updating it and re-releasing it in a couple of weeks.  It was an historical book, and I was writing it in real time back in 2005.  What they are doing now is the same thing except the difference is they are coming after our food supply.  

They are going to be culling millions of chickens.  If one cow on an entire ranch tests positive for H5N1, they are talking about killing off the entire ranch.  Instead of isolating that particular cow and seeing if they can get sick, no, they are just going to kill them all.  So, they are in the process of decimating our food supply.  I think this is a really important fact for people to know about and get prepared.”

Dr. Tenpenny goes on to point out, “They can release it under an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization), and I believe the FDA has found a loophole in the law to where they can release anything coming in the future as an Emergency Use Authorization.  So, they are not liable.  You can’t sue them. They don’t have to put up a package insert.  There were three rules that they violated when they released the Covid shot, and they are just out to get us all vaccinated.  They just want to get every single person with as much foreign matter into our bodies as they possibly can.”

There are about 700 million CV19 vax injections that have been given in the US alone.  Dr. Tenpenny says these injections cause a variety of problems such as sudden death, dramatically reduced immune system, heart problems, blood clots, autoimmune disease and unusually fast spreading cancers called “Turbo Cancer.”  Dr. Tenpenny says, “Even it you have had just one Covid shot, you have increased you risk of sudden death and developing cancer.  

The more shots you have, the more your risk is. . . . ‘Turbo Cancer’ is a brand-new terminology in medicine.  I have been a doctor for a long time, and that is a brand-new word they developed after the Covid shots.  These people may have been in complete remission, and their cancers came back in a highly aggressive way, or they got new cancers that from the time they were diagnosed until the time they died were months, weeks or sometime even days.  So, they didn’t even have time to start getting . . . current known cancer treatments.”

In closing, Dr. Tenpenny advises NOT to get the Bird Flu shot and no more CV19 boosters.

There is much more in the 59-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, one of the first medical doctors to tell everyone NOT to take CV19 bioweapon injection.  Dr. Tenpenny is now warning NOT to take the Bird Flu vax for 6.5.24.


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