Monday 23 September 2024


The Truth: About COVID-19 Shots

Uncover the shocking truth behind COVID-19 vaccines: contamination, hidden risks, and regulatory failures. Millions were exposed without informed consent—this fight is for accountability & justice.

This video delves into the alleged concealment of critical information regarding the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 mRNA injections, focusing on how regulatory bodies and authorities misled the Australian public. It claims that significant contamination of genetic material was found in Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, far exceeding safety thresholds, with potential links to severe health risks like cancer and autoimmune diseases. Despite independent verification from multiple labs, global regulators, including Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), dismissed concerns, claiming there was no safety risk without conducting proper tests.

The video argues that the mRNA injections are in fact gene therapies rather than traditional vaccines, citing how these injections modify genetic material within cells to stimulate an immune response. It criticizes the lack of rigorous testing on the long-term effects of this genetic modification, accusing manufacturers and health authorities of withholding important information about the risks, such as the bio-distribution of modified RNA throughout the body and its potential to disrupt cellular functions.

Legal challenges against Pfizer and Moderna are outlined, notably the case of Dr. Julian Fidge, who accused the companies of bypassing Australia’s regulatory requirements for gene therapies. The lawsuit was dismissed due to a lack of legal standing, but the video highlights potential conflicts of interest, including Judge Helen Rofe’s undisclosed connections to Pfizer. This raises questions about the integrity of the judicial process, especially regarding the dismissal of critical evidence related to genetic contamination.

The video also condemns the narrative pushed by health authorities that the vaccines were “safe and effective,” arguing that data showed minimal absolute risk reduction and high infection rates among vaccinated individuals. It accuses authorities of fearmongering, particularly regarding children, and asserts that pregnant and breastfeeding women were given false assurances about the safety of the vaccines, despite being excluded from clinical trials.

Ultimately, the video calls for accountability and justice, emphasizing that millions of Australians were subjected to experimental gene-based treatments without adequate informed consent. It demands transparency, thorough investigations into regulatory failures, and reparations for those harmed. The script ends with a strong appeal to hold responsible parties accountable and to ensure that such breaches of public trust are never repeated.

Reference Links:

Letter to the Registrar, Federal Court of Australia, Re Urgency (sealed)
Originating Application (sealed - to be amended to correct paragraph 4(c) and (d) to reference instead 4.a.i. - iii. And 4.b.i. - ii NOT 5.a.i. - iii. And 5.b.i. - ii)
Letter of Demand, Pfizer - served 4 July 2023 (response - reject GMO allegations - failed to address modDNA contamination)
Letter of Demand, Moderna - served 4 July 2023 (no response/reply)
Letter of Demand, TGA - delivered 4 July 2023 (no response/reply)
Letter of Demand, OGTR - delivered 4 July 2023 (no response/reply)

The revised criminal Brief can be viewed HERE.

Good Morning Children's Health Defense (CHD.TV) interviewed Katie Ashby-Koppens and Julian Gillespie on the GMO case and synthetic DNA contamination

The Epoch Times interviewed Kevin McKernan who first discovered the DNA contamination.

South Carolina Senate hearing received testimony from Professor Phillip Buckhaults confirming the DNA contamination: 14 September 2023.

South Carolina Senate hearing received testimony from Janci Lindsay PhD discussing the danger from the DNA contamination: 14 September 2023.

Kevin McKernan article discussing testimony of Dr Buckhaults and Kevin in a recent interview.

Jessica Rose PhD article discussing testimony of Dr Buckhaults.

World Council for Health Urgent Expert Panel discussing the DNA contamination, 10 October 2023.

German laboratory confirms Pfizer DNA contamination - translation of German documents.

German Dr Kirchner presents synthetic DNA contamination findings to Bundestag, 18 September 2023.

The Daily Sceptic, 23 September 2023:

German Whistleblower Finds DNA Contamination Up To 354 Times Recommended Limit in BioNTech-Pfizer Vaccine

German magazine Cicero interviewed Professor Brigitte Konig on the synthetic DNA contamination findings she provided to Dr Kirchner.

What happens when DNA enters the cell nucleus? (in German)

German article on global DNA contamination findings:

Potentially carcinogenic: Researchers worldwide find DNA residues in Biontech vaccine (in German)

Dystopian Down Under: independent journalist Rebekah Barnett on the Australian GMO legal proceedings.

The Brownstone Institute has published two articles co-authored by Dr Julie Sladden & Julian Gillespie:

The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery

The Vax-Gene Files: Have the Regulators Approved a Trojan Horse?

Spectator Australia article, 25 September 2023 by Rebekah Barnett:

Scientists ‘shocked’ and ‘alarmed’ at what’s in the mRNA shots

The Conservative Woman article, 29 September 2023 by Professor Angus Dalgleish:

mRNA ‘vaccines’ must be banned once and for all

The Epoch Times reproduces the article by by Professor Angus Dalgleish:
mRNA ‘vaccines’ must be banned once and for all

The Canaries in the Human DNA Mine is a peer reviewed paper by Julian Gillespie showing the European Union as well as Australian authorities appear to have knowingly ignored these GMOs and failed to inform citizens. 

Breaking News:



Cardiologist Sounds Alarm: ‘Severe Heart Attacks’ Are Surging Among Covid-Vaccinated

A leading cardiologist is sounding the alarm after publishing a peer-reviewed study that found “severe heart attacks” are still surging among those who have received at least one dose of a Covid mRNA shot.

The major new peer-reviewed study was published in the renowned journal Vaccine.

The team of multi-specialist researchers was led by Dr. Ana Blasco, a cardiologist at Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda in Madrid, Spain.

They conducted a single-center retrospective cohort study between March 1, 2020, and March 1, 2023.

The study sought to better understand any association between the severity and outcome of patients who suffer a heart attack – type 1 acute myocardial infarction (MI) – and their previous COVID-19 vaccination.

It comes as heart failure deaths continue to surge among the vaccinated, even long after people received the injections.

The researchers found that people who had been infected with COVID-19 after receiving one or more Covid mRNA shots had a massively increased risk of suffering from a severe heart attack.

The bombshell discovery could shed some light on why heart failure is still impacting those who received the shots.

The study found a direct link between the vaccinated and infected patients and the development of severe heart failure and cardiogenic shock in patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI).

The researchers note that this reaction was possibly related to an increased serological response, which ironically was sought after as protection against the pathogen.

Based on the study sample of 949 patients, 656 with ST-segment elevation MI (STEMI) and 293 with non-ST-segment elevation MI (NSTEMI), the average participant age equaled 64 (SD 13) years, and 80% were men.

Of the study sample, 53% of the patients had received one or more doses of the Covid “vaccine.”

49% were considered to be fully vaccinated.

25% had received the first “booster” dose.

Among the group, 84% had received mRNA vaccination, representing the majority.

Six months after the first assessment, the researchers analyzed the patients again.

A half-year after the MI assessment, 92 (9.7%) patients experienced a major adverse cardiac event (MACE).

50 of those patients died from heart failure.

A total of 11 % of patients were diagnosed with severe heart failure or cardiogenic shock (Killip III-IV) after STEMI.

Killip III-IV refers to stages in the Killip classification, a system used by healthcare professionals to assess the severity of heart failure in patients who have experienced an acute myocardial infarction.

This classification helps predict the patient’s risk and guides treatment decisions based on the clinical signs of heart failure.

The Clinical Importance of Killip III-IV should not be ignored. Killip Class III patients are experiencing significant heart failure, and immediate medical intervention is needed to prevent further deterioration.

Treatments might include oxygen therapy, diuretics, vasodilators, or mechanical ventilation to reduce pulmonary congestion. 

While Killip Class IV (cardiogenic shock) represents a life-threatening condition that requires emergency treatment, such as inotropic support (drugs that increase heart contractility), vasopressors, mechanical circulatory support (like an intra-aortic balloon pump or ventricular assist device), or emergency revascularization.

The researchers conclude in their study that “the combination of vaccination and natural SARS-CoV2 infection was associated with the development of severe heart failure and cardiogenic shock in patients with STEMI, possibly related to an increased serological response.”

They found that patients who became infected after vaccination had an over 50% higher risk of death or heart failure than unvaccinated people who had also been previously infected.

Those patients also had a 90% higher risk than those who were unvaccinated and previously uninfected.

The gap remained even after researchers adjusted for risk factors such as smoking, blood pressure, and age.

“The combination of vaccination and natural immunization against SARS-CoV-2 may predispose to the development of severe heart failure,” they wrote.

The study may help explain why death rates remain persistently high in heavily vaccinated countries, belying the predictions of epidemiologists who expected death rates to fall below normal after the epidemic ended.

Heart attacks remain the top cause of death in most wealthy countries.

Even a small increase in their long-term lethality would be enough to push overall mortality up notably.

READ MORE – Japan Links Covid Shots to 201 Dangerous Diseases

Sunday 22 September 2024


UK Government Forced to Admit Thousands of Citizens Left Disabled by Covid Shots

The UK government has been forced to release documents showing that thousands of British citizens have been left disabled by Covid mRNA shots.

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request forced the government to admit the devastating impact of the vaccination campaign.

The newly unsealed documents reveal that over 14,000 people have applied for compensation through the UK’s vaccine injury scheme.

According to a report from GB News, one of the country’s few conservative media outlets, the government had to massively increase the number of staff handling the volume of injury claims.

“Staff processing these claims had to be increased from four to 80 people last year because they were coming in so quickly,” GB News anchor Bev Turner reported.

Alarmingly, around 5,500 claims have been rejected because the victims were not “disabled enough.”

Meanwhile, more than 700 people have been waiting over a year for a decision.

But the devastating effects of the shots don’t end there.

“By June 2021, there were already 300,000 registered adverse reactions to the UK’s own yellow card reporting system,” Turner reports.

“300,000 adverse reactions.

“And it had always been known for decades that the yellow card reporting system is so little known about, and so poorly administered, that it only registers between one to 10% of all injuries.

“So that 300,000 could have been just 1% of actual adverse events.”



The issue is not limited to the UK, however, as disabilities have surged globally alongside other serious diseases and death.

A woman in Canada has been raising the alarm about her own story.

As Slay News reported, 37-year-old mother Kayla Pollock is now paralyzed from the neck down after receiving the mRNA injection and says her life has become a “living hell.”

Doctors have admitted that a Covid “booster” shot from Moderna is responsible for Pollock now being paralyzed for the rest of her life.

According to a report from The Liberty Daily, however, doctors have offered to “make up for it” by euthanizing the young mom.

The doctors suggested that Pollock should apply for Canada’s controversial Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program and said they would help her application get accepted.

She received the Moderna mRNA booster shot on January 11, 2022.

Four days later, Kayla described a situation where her legs just gave out, and she collapsed, but all seemed fine a short time later.

Then, nine days later, she experienced a similar event, and at that time, she called her doctor, asking to see a neurologist because she suspected something wasn’t right.

On the morning of February 22, 2022, Kayla’s life took an irreversible turn.

As she awoke, she couldn’t move her body.

Later, Kayla would learn that she had developed transverse myelitis, a condition that interrupts the transmission of messages along the spinal cord nerves throughout the body.

After being released from the hospital, doctors have told her that she will never walk again.

They also admitted that the “booster” was to blame and again offered to help her get approved for MAID, which she rejected, again.

Meanwhile, scientists in Japan have now linked the mRNA shots to 201 dangerous diseases, as Slay News reported.

Japan researchers issued a red alert after making the “shocking” discovery, warning the public that Covid mRNA shots are now “affecting every possible aspect of human pathology.”

READ MORE – Top Molecular Virologist Confirms Covid Shots Cause Cancer


The Faces & Names of 150+ Bilderbergers who controlled COVID-19 “Pandemic” Response

Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1,861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the Covid-19 event. Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to name and shame them and reveal the roles they have played.

Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

Bilderberg/2021 by Wikispooks

Index for Wikispooks’ page

It is unknown whether a 2021 Bilderberg Meeting was held; the group’s website stated that it “had to be cancelled, due to travel and meeting restrictions.”[1] Of the 1861 living Bilderbergers, over 140, listed below, have played significant roles in managing the COVID-19 event: Many of those listed below are also on the list of COVID-19 WEF perpetrators.

Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the COVID-19 event.

Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to list them under the most important played. Steering committee members (both present and former) are underlined.

The Bilderberg meetings have discussed several plans for a total change of the world system, here is one discussed in 2019, Date: June 2021, Perpetrators: Bilderberg/Steering committee, Description: The 2021 Bilderberg is an unknown quantity. This page highlights the involvement of over 140 Bilderbergers in the COVID-19 event.

Virus R & D

See Wikispoooks’ full article: COVID-19/Origins

A lot of evidence suggests that SARS-CoV2 did not occur naturally, but was genetically manipulated from a naturally occurring bat coronavirus and possibly parts of additional viruses [2]. Bilderberg members have done important work in developing the CRISPR gene editing technique:

Bernard Cazeneuve – 2018 – In 2017 attended the founding ceremony of the BSL-4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, together with Yves Lévy, whose wife abruptly banned over-the-counter sales of hydroxychloroquine in France in January 2020,[3] declaring it “poisonous” without explanation.[4][5]

Emmanuelle Charpentier – 2016 – Pioneered CRISPR as a tool for genome editing (for which she was co-recipient of a Nobel prize in 2020)

Sean Parker – 2010 – Billionaire who was the first to gain NIH approval for a trial of CRISPR[6]

Pandemic Planning

See Wikispooks’ full article: Pandemic/Planning

Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks, held in February 2020 before the Munich Security Conference, attended by three veteran Bilderberger pandemic planners: Gro Harlem Brundtland, Sam Nunn and Avril Haines

Many Bilderbergers have worked repeatedly at Pandemic Planning; the group has been well represented at such exercises for at least 20 years.[7] Those with the most obvious ties:

  • Gro Harlem Brundtland – 1982, 1983, introduced A Spreading Plague (2019 Pandemic planning exercise), and attended Atlantic Storm, and the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercise
  • Avril Haines – 2017 – US Deep State actor who participated in Event 201 and the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercises. Deputy Director of the CIA 2013-15, Director of National Intelligence since 2021
  • Sam Nunn – 1997, 1996 – Long experience in pandemic planning, Operation Dark Winter, A Spreading Plague, the February 2020 Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks exercise
  • Judith Rodin – 2005 – As President of the Rockefeller Foundation took part in the Lock Step exercise which foresaw a pandemic as the means by which a techno totalitarian government might unfold.
Judith Rodin took part in the 2010 Lock Step exercise about using a pandemic to usher in high-tech totalitarianism

Task Forces

See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19 Task Force

In Spring 2020, many nation states formed COVID-19 Task Forces, many of which had, or acted as if they had, “state of emergency” powers to override standard operating procedure.

National Task Forces

  • Vittorio Colao – 2018 – Leader of a special task force to handle “Phase 2” of the Italian Covid Task Force
  • Christopher Liddell – 2017 – Member of Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force
  • Matthew Pottinger – 2019 – Member of Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force. His wife Yen Pottinger was explaining the importance of social distancing in mid-March 2020[8]
  • Kathleen Sebelius – 2008, 2007 – Member of Biden’s White House Coronavirus Task Force [9] and a board member of the Kaiser Family Foundation [10]
  • Jeffrey Zients – 2017 – Became White House coronavirus coordinator in 2021,[11] announced in August that year that “it’s time to impose some requirements” where COVID jabs are concerned.[12]
Mark Carney, Tri-national, quad-Bilderberger, Governor of the Bank of England until March 2020, when he became an “informal adviser” to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
  • Mark Carney – 2019, 2018, 2012, 2011 – “acting as an informal adviser to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”[13]
  • Andrew Liveris – 2012 – Ex Dow CEO and Member of the Board of Citigroup, “Special Adviser” to the Australia/National COVID-19 Coordination Commission [14]


Other significant institutions have appointed Bilderbergers to their Covid or pandemic groups:

Jeffrey Sachs, who was made chair of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19 after Peter Daszak recused himself.
  • Oliver Bäte – 2017 – Bavaria’s COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council member who made various alarmist statements about the virus, such as comparing it to a “worldwide meteor impact” or the explosion of a nuclear power station.[15]
  • Laurence Boone – 2015 – A Commissioner of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19[16] – As the Global Economic Forum’s chief economist, advising about the economic response to COVID-19[17][18]
  • Sylvia Burwell – 2018 – Co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relations’ “Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness
  • Mitchell Daniels – 2012 – Member of the Council on Foreign Relations’ “Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness”
  • Joe Kaeser – 2016,2015 – Appointed to Bavaria’s COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council (as Siemens CEO) by Markus Söder
  • Paul Polman – 2012 – Member of The Lancet’s COVID-19 commission.[19]
  • Olli Rehn – 2007 – As Governor of Bank of Finland, in 2021 became chair of FIFA’s COVID-19 Relief Plan steering committee.[20], published about “Monetary policy in the emerging post-pandemic context”[21]
  • Jeffrey Sachs – 1990 – Chaired the Lancet‘s COVID-19 commission.[22][23]
  • Tidjane Thiam – 2019, 2013 – One of the four African Union’s COVID-19 Special Envoys [24]
  • Philip Zelikow – 2007, 2006 – Drafter of the 9/11 Commission Report,[25]appointed to lead the University of Virginia’s COVID Commission Planning Group [26]

Social change

The “response” to COVID-19 was a sweeping set of social changes enforced by fiat, having minimal scientific justification, if any. They directly contradicted best practices up to 2020.

  • Stefan Löfven – 2013 – As Swedish PM, managed the Swedish Covid measures.[27]
  • Mary Ann Sieghart – 2001 – Presented Fallout on BBC Radio 4, a series about the possible outcomes of the Coronavirus.[28][29]


See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19/Lockdown

A WEF tweet which was quickly deleted after it raised criticism.

Most nation states decreed what was termed a “lockdown”, i.e., a drastic restriction of freedom of movement. This was in opposition to the 2019 WHO best practice guide for pandemics, which specifically advised against this practice. As of Summer 2021, there is little scientific evidence that these measures had any measurable impact on the spread of COVID-19, but this claim remains part of the COVID-19 official narrative.

  • Alberto Alesina – 2018 – “Strongly agreed” in March 2020 with all 3 points of the Bilderberg consensus Lockdown policy, with a high degree of confidence.[30] Died in May 2020, aged 63.
  • Cathy Berx – 2018 – Governor of Antwerp who oversaw the introduction of lockdown and curfew measures in Antwerp in July 2020.[31]
  • Stefano Feltri – 2019 – Italian journalist who wrote supporting the official narrative, that lockdowns were “inevitable”[32]
  • Demis Hassabis – 2018, 2016, 2015 – Dialed into a meeting of SAGE which promoted the UK COVID Lockdown.
  • Sauli Niinistö – 1997 – As President of Finland uncritically wrote of “the need for strict, short-term restrictive measures…” and was similarly uncritical about the need for a fast rollout of “vaccines”[33]
  • Bill Morneau – 2017, 2016 – as Canadian Finance Minister in 2020 “approved the spending of nearly $200 billion in federal aid in a deliberate effort to shut down huge portions of Canadian society”[34]
  • Norbert Röttgen – 2014 – As chair of the CDU he was promoting the German Covid lockdowns [35]
  • Erna Solberg – 2011 – Norwegian PM who led the national lockdowns. Directed billions of dollars to international vaccine programs (GAVI etc)

Furlough Schemes

  • György Surányi – 1999, 1997, 1996 – Wrote a long essay in April 2020 suggesting the Hungarian government pay targeted subsidies to those who lose their jobs due to lockdowns.[36]


  • Carlo Ratti – 2014 – Architect who published about Reimagining the Office [37]
  • Frans Timmermans – 2008 – Co-Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, Vice-President of the European Commission, took many opportunities to opine on “Which world do we want after COVID-19?”[38]
  • Margrethe Vestager – 2014 – Co-Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age


See Wikispooks’ full article: Mask

Bain & Company’s instructions on how workplaces should change due to COVID-19.
  • Dianne Feinstein – 1991 – In July 2020 proposed withholding COVID-19 relief from states without mask mandates.[39] Both she and her husband sold stock in Allogene Therapeutics in 2021 before the lockdowns.[40][41]

Social distancing

See Wikispooks’ full article: Social distancing

  • Susan Athey – 2013 – With Dean Karlan, published How to practice social distancingwhile helping the economy in the Washington Post [42]
  • Orit Gadiesh – 1998, 1997 – Chair of Bain & Company, which was closely involved in directing government policy in various nations. In France, it was entrusted by the government to steer the country’s Covid testing strategy.[43] On 29 April 2020, it put out a guide describing how workplaces should change due to COVID-19.[44]

Track and Trace

See Wikispooks’ full article: Mass surveillance

  • Louise Arbour – 2019 – In 2020 made Honorary President of COVI Canada, which released the COVI application.[45][46]
  • Dido Harding – 2016 – Placed in charge of producing the NHSX app for Covid

Controlling the Narrative

George Soros, of The Good Club, is suspected to have been controlling the narrative through groups such as BLM
  • William Joseph Burns – 2016-2015 – Career diplomat CIA Director from March 2021, ensured that the U.S. intelligence community does not know the origins of COVID-19[47]
  • Regina Dugan – 2015 – DARPA, Facebook, Google, “The global pandemic is our generation’s Sputnik”, CEO of Wellcome Trust
  • Henry Kissinger – 2019-2010, 2008-1994, 1992-1980, 1978, 1977, 1971, 1964, 1957 October, 1957 February – Arch-Bilderberger deep politician, numerous influential public pronouncements on COVID-19
  • Ivan Krastev – 2019 – Published various articles about COVID-19’s social impact from March 2020[48] onwards [49] and wrote Is It Tomorrow Yet? Paradoxes of the Pandemic
  • Charles Michel – 2018, 2016, 2015 – As President of the European Council, in December 2020 he proposed an international treaty on pandemics.[50]
  • George Soros – 2002, 2000, 1996, 1994, 1990 – The Good Club, the influence of BLM to control the narrative in 2020[51]
  • Sidney Taurel – 2007 – Chair of Pearson which “implement[ed] new health and safety principles” and “launched an online community for our people to connect, share stories and support each other”,[52]chair emeritus of Eli Lilly which produced bamlanivimab.[53]
  • Fareed Zakaria – 2005, 2003 – Journalist who wrote Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World [54]


  • Senem Aydın-Düzgit – 2016 – Professor of International Relations, published multiple papers on COVID and governance, some co-authored with Fuat Keyman
  • Fuat Keyman – 2012 – Professor of International Relations and Vice President at Sabancı University, published multiple papers on COVID and governance, some co-authored with Senem Aydın-Düzgit
  • James Orbinksi – 2011 – Developed the COVID-19 Global Health Portal. [55] Also published various research about COVID-19 [56][57]
  • Ole Petter Ottersen – 2011 – Presented at the July 2020 International Symposium on Novel Ideas in Science and Ethics of Vaccines Against Covid-19 Pandemic,[58]published research on Addressing production gaps for vaccines in African countries
  • Arild Underdal – 2004 – Editing academic research about COVID-19[59][60][61]
  • James Vaupel – 2011 – Edited and co-authored academic research about COVID-19,[62] on topics such as the death toll in Sweden after their refusal to instigate widespread lockdowns.[63][64][65]

Big media

The non-reporting of Bilderberg by TV or newspapers reveals that the group has considerable control of big media, which was mobilised to support the official narrative.

  • Juan Luis Cebrián – 2018-2001, 1993, 1990-1987, 1985, 1983- Billionaire, media mogul, one of the ten most influential Spaniards in Spain and Latin America for 44 years (from 1976 to 2019).
  • Andrew Coyne – 2015 – Canadian columnist and aggressive pusher of the COVID official narrative. e.g., He dismissed the Great Reset as a “conspiracy theory”, and in December 2021 headlined an article Is the case for vaccine mandates like the case for seatbelt laws? No, it’s much, much stronger [66]
  • Mathias Döpfner – 2019-2014, 2007-2005 – Billionaire, Axel Springer Publishing House/CEO
  • Felix Gutzwiller – 2013 – On Swiss TV in March 2020 answering public questions about COVID-19 [67]
  • François Lenglet – 2017 – French editor who in March 2021 termed vaccine passports “the best recovery instrument available” [68]

Promoting panic

See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19/Panic

In March 2020 Shiraz Maher wrote a first-hand account of his mild case of COVID-19.

Commercially-controlled media’s coverage of COVID-19 was a more-or-less monotone echo of the fear-driven official narrative, while calmer, more scientific voices “were never invited to the expert table”, as the editor of Bild admitted in August 2021.[69]

  • Shiraz Maher – 2015 – A “Terror expert” who reportedly had a case of COVID-19 which was “classified as “mild” by British health authorities”. Maher wrote a “horrifying account of his experience with COVID-19” which was picked up by the commercially-controlled media after it “went viral” on Twitter.[70]
  • John Micklethwait – 2019-2009, 2007 – Co-authored The Wake-Up Call with Adrian Wooldridge. A promotional article, How the West was lost, concluded “For all its awfulness, the Covid-19 pandemic is an alarm call… It’s not too late to wake up to the fact that the West is losing its pre-eminence. We still have time to repair the damage. But we don’t have that much time — and the Eastern world is forging ahead while we are still dithering. Whatever we do, we cannot afford to hit the snooze button.”[71]
  • Kenneth Rogoff – 2012 – Former IMF economist whose dire predictions in early 2020 were widely reported in commercially-controlled media.[72] Also predicted that COVID would speed the move away from cash [73]
  • Beppe Severgnini – 2017 – Italian editor/journalist who reported from north Italy in March 2020, stating in April 2020 that “a whole generation is being wiped out”.
  • Jacob Wallenberg – 2016-2000, 1998 – Issued dire warnings of social unrest in March 2020 reported by commercially-controlled media [76][77]
From “business expert” Jacob Wallenberg, a third-generation Bilderberger.
  • Adrian Wooldridge – 2012-2004, 2002-1998 – Co-authored The Wake-Up Callwith John Micklethwait.

Opinion polling

  • Nicolas Berggruen – 2014 – Billionaire funder of various groups including the Berggruen Institute, which has been researching COVID-19 as a social change agent [78] and influencing attitudes and policies about it.[79]
  • Renate Köcher – 2018 – A German pollster who researched attitudes to COVID-19 and was interviewed about them by corporate media [80][81]


See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19/Censorship

“I urge world leaders to fully support the Global Vaccination Strategy I launched with the World Health Organisation last month. We need to get vaccines into the arms of 40 per cent of people in all countries by the end of this year [2021] — and 70 per cent by mid-2022.”
  • António Guterres – 2005, 1990 – In March 2020, as UN secretary general, asked for increased censorship by big tech of online “hate speech” in response to COVID-19. In October 2021, advocated swift vaccination of the whole world’s population.[82]

Big tech is notoriously opaque in its censorship, which reached record heights in 2020/21 on the topic of COVID-19[83], as predicted by Event 201. Involvement in censorship is difficult to prove, but it seems likely that censorship was carried out with the agreement of (or at the behest of) the following chief execs:

  • Jared Cohen – 2019, 2018 – Jigsaw CEO (formerly Google Ideas)
  • Reid Hoffman – 2019-2014, 2012, 2011, LinkedIn Executive Chairman
  • Robert Kimmitt – 1995 – Appointed Facebook’s “lead independent director” in March 2020[84]
  • Patrick Pichette – 2018 – Appointed Twitter’s CEO in June 2020.[85]
  • Eric Schmidt – 2019, 2017-2007 – US billionaire who works for Alphabet, with a track record of arranging YouTube censorship of dissent.[86]
  • Jens Stoltenberg – 2002-2015-2017-2018-2019 – NATO General-Secretary. Using censorship mechanisms established during Russiagate, NATO played a role in “combatting the spread of harmful, false and misleading narratives through disinformation.” [87]


See Wikispooks’ full article: “COVID-19/Vaccine”

Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director General, “Every day, people are searching for a path out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, scientific international cooperation and vaccines have created hope that a brighter future is within reach…”[88]

The experimental gene therapies always referred to by commercially-controlled media as “COVID-19 vaccinations” received emergency use authorisations which could not have been given if alternative treatments were available. It was, therefore, necessary to side-line drug therapies.

R & D

The interviewer, John Snow covered his mouth after this remark, interrupted him, hesitated and did not ask any further questions.
  • John Bell – 2013 – Gates Foundation, GAVI researcher whose interests include DNA mutation, on the UK Vaccine Task Force, who stated in an interview that “These [COVID-19] vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilise a population. They’re very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage. Say, 60% or 70%.” [89]

Side-lining repurposed drugs

Jens Spahn was made German Health minister after attending the 2017 Bilderberg, rejected a donation of hydroxychloroquine in 2020[90] and stated that “vaccines are the way out of this pandemic”

Side-lining of drugs to treat the disease was a requirement for the granting of Emergency Use Authorisation of the experimental jabs. Many Bilderberg-controlled groups, such as Médecins Sans Frontières, termed repurposed drugs “disinformation”.[91][92]

  • Werner Baumann – 2017 – CEO of Bayer, who in early 2020 initially announced a plan to create a Chloroquine production facility in Europe,[93] which transitioned to a partnership with Curevac to create CVnCoV, a COVID-19 Vaccine candidate.[94]
  • Hans-Georg Betz – 2000 – “It boggles the mind that the very same people who are worried about the potential side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have absolutely no qualms playing Russian roulette with their health when it comes to ivermectin… COVID-19 denial in all its different forms is like a cult.”[95]
  • Trine Eilertsen – 2015 – Promoted to Editor in chief of Aftenposten in 2020, a paper as of June 2021 which was questioning the need for “experimental treatment” of COVID-19 cases with ivermectin.[96]
  • Jens Spahn – 2017 – German Health minister since March 2018, close to big pharma.[97] Was specifically requested to look into ivermectin as a tool to control the spread of the disease,[98] but moved towards mandating vaccines and stated that “vaccines are the way out of this pandemic”.[99]

Liability Evasion

  • Evan Greenberg – 2017, 2014 – Chairman and CEO of Chubb, “pleased to extend our collaboration with the World Health Organisation and its partners to support the critically important COVAX No-Fault Compensation Program.”[100]

Production & distribution

  • Clément Beaune announcing the vaccine strategy
  • José Manuel Barroso – 2019-2015, 2013, 2005, 2003, 1994, made GAVI CEO in 2021[101]
  • Clément Beaune – 2019 – Emmanuel Macron’s “Monsieur Europe”, as French European Affairs Minister, outlined France’s strategy for the deployment of vaccines [102]
  • Ian Bremmer – 2007 – Founded the Eurasia Group, whose 2020 study on access to COVID jabs “to assess the economic benefits to advanced economies of contributing to the work of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator” the WHO cited.[103]
  • François-Philippe Champagne – 2019, 2018 – In August 2021, as Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced Canada has established an MOU with Moderna to build a state-of-the-art “mRNA vaccine” production facility in Canada.[104]
  • Leif Johansson – 2000, 2001 – non-executive chairman of AstraZeneca [105]
  • Alex Karp – 2019-2012 – Co-founded Palantir, which has been active internationally [106] with COVID,[107][108]and provided the software for Operation Warp Speed.
  • Jared Kushner – 2019 – Charged with fast-tracking a Covid vaccine, announced Operation Warp Speed.[109]
  • Jacek Szwajcowski – 2005 – Co-owner of KIPF, a holding company for Pelion Pharma, which the EBRD granted PLN 110M “to actively manage working capital needs across business lines in light of increased sales volatility caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.”[110]
Peter Thiel, Co-founder and largest shareholder of Palantir, which is heavily involved in crunching COVID data.
  • Peter Thiel – 2019-2007 – Co-founder and largest shareholder of Palantir as of 2020
  • Jutta Urpilainen – 2013, 2012 – European Community Commissioner for International Partnerships, “Team Europe is working on preparedness of our partners. We are assisting partners with technical assistance and guidance to prepare national vaccination strategies, logistics, and information campaigns. National ownership and responsibility for preparing and deploying COVID-19 vaccines remains paramount.”[112]

Uncritical promotion

Scores, perhaps hundreds of Bilderbergers have been actively promoting the jabs. This list contains only the most fervent advocates and those with key jobs allowing them to throw large institutional weight behind such opinions:

  • Audrey Azoulay – 2019, 2018 – UNESCO Director general. Vocal, uncritical promotion of the COVID official narrative
  • Carl Bildt – 2014-2013, 2011-2006, 2000-1999, 1997-1996, 1993-1992 – “An unprecedented threat demands an unprecedented response”[114] – appointed by Tedros Ghebreyesus in March 2021 as WHO Special Envoy for the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator [115], which was Bill Gates’s “bid to organise the development and distribution of everything from therapeutics to testing.”[116]
  • Ana Botín – 2019-2015, 2010 – Head of Banco Santander, who declared at the virtual Davos Agenda summit of global leaders that vaccinations against coronavirus are “the most effective 2021 economic policy.” [117]
“People act like they have a choice. You don’t have a choice. Normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population [against COVID-19].”- Bill Gates (2020) [118]
  • Bill Gates – 2010 – Aggressive promotion of vaccines, ID2020 and vaccine passports. Predicted in March 2020 that “Eventually we will need some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested (for COVID-19) recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it.”[119]
  • Melinda Gates – 2004 – Of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which sponsored ID2020 and is heavily invested in vaccine research, development and advocacy
  • Luis de Guindos – 2017, 2013 – As Vice-President of the European Central Bank, in late 2020/early 2021 was talking up the economic benefits of fast vaccine rollouts [120] and of banks in helping businesses affected by the lockdown measures.
  • Walter Isaacson – 2004 – Former editor of Time magazine, widely interviewed in commercially-controlled media, where his glowing account of being one of 44,000 people to participate in the Pfizer trial termed the COVID jabs “a miracle for genetic medicine”[121][122] In 2021 published The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race.
  • Rolf Soiron – 2011. Former Chairman (2005–2018) of the Board of Directors of Lonza Group, a company with insider access to the World Economic Forum and manufacturing billions of COVID-19 vaccines for Moderna.
  • Bill Richardson – 2000, 1999 – In November 2021 went to Myanmar to help the leadership “identify specific ways to speed the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines from the COVAX facility to Myanmar and to help mitigate a possible fourth wave of COVID-19”.[123]
  • Augosto Santos Silva – 2006 – As Portuguese foreign minister pledged to donate 5% of their vaccines to Portuguese ex-colonies,[124] “Supporting international vaccination is essential for the eradication of the COVID-19 pandemic. No country in the world will be safe until everyone is safe”[125]
  • Kevin Warsh – 2014-2011 – As ex-US Federal Reserve governor: “The biggest, most important stimulus… is this vaccine”[126]
  • Martin Wolf – 2019, 2017-2012, 2009,2006-2003, 2001-1999 – As economics correspondent for the Financial Times wrote that Coronavirus could be the worst economic crisis since [The] Great Depression [127] but was more fulsome in his jab advocacy:

Scapegoating of non-recipients

“Hunt for the non-vaccinated. There are 17 million more” on the front page of Maurizio Molinari’s Republicca
  • Maurizio Molinari – 2017 – Italian editor whose paper ran with “Hunt for the non-vaccinated” on its front page on 17 July 2021.
  • Michael O’Leary – 2019-2015 – “If you’re not vaccinated, you shouldn’t be allowed in the hospital, you shouldn’t be allowed to fly, you shouldn’t be allowed on the London Underground, and you shouldn’t be allowed in the local supermarket or your pharmacy either.”
  • Olaf Scholz – 2010 – As German vice chancellor stepped up pressure on refuseniks [129][130] whom in January 2022 he termed “a tiny minority of reckless extremists.”[131]


See Wikispooks’ full article: COVID-19/Vaccine/Mandation

Bilderbergers have been both calling for and decreeing mandatory injections in response to COVID-19.

  • Mario Draghi – 2009, 2008, 2004-2000, 1995,1994 – As Prime Minister of Italy announced mandatory injection for healthcare workers in Italy,[132] later floated mandatory injection of all adults.
  • Harold Ford – 2008 – After joining FOX News in April 2021[133], took part in debates on mandatory jabs and related internet censorship.[134][135][136]
  • Christoph Franz – 2015 – As Hoffmann-La Roche President called for mandatory injections in Switzerland.[137] His vice-chair, André Hoffmann – 2019 was a WEF trustee
  • Lilli Gruber – 2019-2015, 2013, 2012 – Italian journalist: “Yes to mandatory vaccines”[138][139]
  • Jon Huntsman – 2012 – Had direct control of the Salt Lake Tribune in Jan 2022 when it called for the deployment of the US National Guard “to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.”[140]
  • Bernard Kouchner – 2005 – three-time French Health Minister who started Médecins Sans Frontières, took part in Atlantic Storm. Aggressive promotion of mandatory injections.[141][142]
Ursula von der Leyen, a figure of great importance in the COVID-19 event.
  • Ursula von der Leyen – 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015 – President of the European Commission since December 2019, in 2021 announced a proposal to “revive the EU tourism industry and for cross-border friendships to rekindle – safely,” referring to permitting travel only for recipients of the COVID jabs[143] She claimed to have lost the text messages she exchanged with Albert Bourla (Pfizer’s CEO) during the EU’s COVID jab procurement talks.[144] In December 2021 was promoting EU-wide mandatory COVID jabs.[145]
  • Emmanuel Macron – 2014 – As French President, set up France’s COVID-19 Scientific Council in March 2020.[146]Declared mandatory jabs for access to common facilities in France in 2021.
Angela Merkel as German Chancellor stated that “the pandemic is not over until all people in the world have been vaccinated.”
  • Angela Merkel – 2005 – Stated in February 2021 that “the pandemic is not over until all people in the world have been vaccinated”[147], later that “We have all agreed that we need vaccine certificates.” [148] Advised by Kurt Lauk – 2015 – 2013 – 1996 – 1991
  • Pamela Rendi-Wagner – 2018 – Months after her Bilderberg, made head of the Austrian Social Democratic Party, which in 2021 voted for mandatory vaccination enforced by fines and prison sentences. “Although compulsory vaccination was never our goal, unfortunately, it has now become necessary.”[149]
  • Tom Tugendhat – 2019 – UK MP who in November 2020 floated the idea that COVID jabs could be mandated for UK workers or travellers.[150] In 2021, asked for an investigation of the claim of (fellow 2019 Bilderberger) Matthew Pottinger that the virus came from WIV.[151]

“Vaccine Passports”

See Wikispooks’ full article: Vaccine/Passport

Mark Rutte, a six-time Bilderberg visitor, as Dutch PM fired his Economic Affairs Minister, Mona Keijzer, shortly after she publicly criticised the Dutch Vaccine passport.[152]
  • Dominique Anglade – 2018 – Made leader of the Quebec Liberal Party in 2020. Calling for “freedom passports” in August 2021.[153][154]
  • Tony Blair – 1993 – Aggressive promotion of “Vaccine passports”,[155] early suggester of locking down people who declined the jabs.[156]
  • Ana Brnabić – 2018 – As Serbian PM, stated in September 2021 that the government was “preparing for the introduction of the COVID passes.” [157]
  • Patrice Caine – 2019 – CEO of Thales Group, arms manufacturer with an established E-passport/digital identity technology business [158][159]
  • Gunilla Carlsson – 2012 – GAVI board member, shaping vaccine passport policy[160] “Were similar vaccine passports to become the norm for international travel, the Green Certificate could set a precedent…”[161]
  • Sharon Dijksma- 2016 – Mayor of Utrecht who ordered a restaurant closed after it refused to check vaccine passports [162]
  • Kyriakos Mitsotakis – 2018, 2016 – As Greek PM displayed Klaus Schwab’s The Great Reset on his desk. In early 2021 he was promoting the idea of “vaccine passports”, in November 2021 he was implementing them.[163]
  • George Osborne – 2018, 2017, 2015-2013, 2011, 2009-2006 – UK deep politician, promoter of vaccine passports, e.g., “Already some employers are demanding that their employees have vaccines. Leading a normal working life as part of society will become impossible without proof you’ve had a vaccine. Government shouldn’t stand in the way of that — it should facilitate it. As our real passports already say on the first page, Covid passports will “allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance”. Bring them on.”
  • Valérie Pécresse – 2013 -In 2021, announced support for mandatory COVID-19 jabbing and confinement of the unjabbed.[164] In early January 2022, announced she would support a stricter French health pass that would require proof of having been “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19, rather than having recovered or testing negative.[165]
  • Mark Rutte – 2019-2018, 2016-2015, 2013-2012 – As Dutch PM, fired his Economic Affairs Minister, Mona Keijzer, shortly after she publicly criticised the Dutch Vaccine passport.[166]
Side-lining natural immunity

An especially obvious glitch in the official COVID narrative has been the refusal to admit the scientific truth that natural immunity is far more durable than anything provided by the COVID jabs.

  • William Lewis – 1997 – Non-executive Director of AP, which claimed that “Natural immunity is … not long-lasting” to promote the COVID official narrative[167]

Great Reset

See Wikispooks’ Full article: Great Reset

Klaus Schwab, ex-Bilderberg Steering Committee.

The Great Reset is an SDS attempt to reframe economic inequality in a positive light: “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”. COVID-19 has greatly increased economic inequality as small and medium enterprises have been forced under while unprecedented peacetime increases in the money supply and corporate welfare have been doled out to a few large organisations.

  • Magdalena Andersson – 2016 – As Swedish finance minister in April 2021 promoted a global economic restart. Emphasised “the need for strong international cooperation to accelerate vaccine production and support affordable and equitable distribution to all.”[168]
  • Olivier Blanchard – 2016 – French economist widely published on how COVID-19 could or should change the economic world order, especially with fellow Bilderberger, Jean Pisani-Ferry [169][170][171][172]
  • Børge Brende – 2016-2018, 2019 – President of the World Economic Forum since 2017. “The direction we need to head is toward greater dialogue, coordination and collective action”…” the principles call for greater public-private collaboration”[173]
  • Miguel Fernández Ordóñez Spanish central banker and promoter of central bank digital currencies.
  • He Liu – 2014 – As the Chinese vice-premier, stated that “We need to strengthen market mechanisms, form healthy competition, reduce institutional transaction costs, and establish a unified, open, competitive and orderly high-standard market system”[174]
  • Thomas de Maizière – 2016 – Suggesting the German constitution needed to be changed to account for the next great emergency after Covid… [175]
  • Mario Monti – 2015-2013, 2011-2003, 2001, 1999, 1996, 1994-1983 – Took over leadership of the European WHO commission in August 2020.[176]
  • Jean Pisani-Ferry – 2009 – French economist widely published on how COVID-19 could or should change the economic world order, especially with especially with fellow Bilderberger, Olivier Blanchard [177][178][179][180]
  • Klaus Schwab – 2016, 2007, 2003, 1997-1995, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, which has been central in the entire deep event
  • Johan Rockström – 2019 – Swedish professor who at the 2019 Bilderberg presented a Planetary Emergency Action Plan written for the Club of Rome.
  • Ignazio Visco – 2004 – Governor of the Bank of Italy, widely quoted about the financial consequences of “the necessary lockdown and social distancing measures”.[181][182][183]“The main instrument we have at the moment is neither monetary nor fiscal, it is vaccinations”[184]

COVID handouts

As President of the European Central Bank, spent at least €1,850 billion on an asset purchase program during COVID-19.[185] “If we don’t vaccinate the whole world, it will come back to haunt us and hurt us in the form of new variants.”[186]
  • Gordon Brown – 1991 – In April 2021, promoted a $60 billion effort to increase vaccination in “poor countries”.[187]Appointed WHO ambassador for global health financing in September 2021.[188]
  • Elisa Ferreira- 2002 – Appointed European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms in December 2019 by Ursula von der Leyen, in charge of smaller EU handouts,[189] and on committees deciding about REACT-EU: “The additional European cohesion fund of €47 billion makes an important contribution towards rebuilding after the crisis. We need coherent and long-term strategies which rapidly trigger the green and digital transition and which are adapted to the local needs and potential.” [190]
  • Luis Garicano – 2016 – In March 2020, proposed a €500 billion “bazooka” to fight the virus, stabilise the European economy, and protect its jobs while the economy is in the “freezer”.[191]
  • Kristalina Georgieva – 2016 – As IMF managing director organised “emergency financing on a scale [and at a speed] never seen before” [192] – issuing dire economic forecasts [193]
  • Austan Goolsbee – 2012 – Obama advisor, published on the economics of COVID[194] Fan of heavy COVID-19 spending.[195] “The number one rule of virus economics is that you have to stop the virus before you can do anything about economics.”[196]
  • Christine Lagarde -2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2009 – As President of the European Central Bank she spent €1,850 billion on an asset purchase program during COVID-19.[197] In a joint interview with Klaus Schwab, she declared an intent to “vaccinate the whole world”.[198]
Stephen Poloz speaking in March 2020.[199]
  • Stephen Poloz – 2014 – Took over from Mark Carney as Governor of the Bank of Canada. In late March 2020, announced a minimum $5-billion-per-week of market purchases of Government of Canada bonds, “to address strains in the government of Canada debt market and to enhance the effectiveness of all other actions taken so far.” [200] “We have taken several actions to unclog key lending channels, adding over $200 billion of liquidity, or around 10% of Canadian GDP. As I said recently, no one has ever criticized a firefighter for using too much water. When the system demands more liquidity, the central bank must provide it.”[201]
  • Nout Wellink – 2010, 2009, 2006 – As ex-President of the Central Bank of the Netherlands, in March 2020, was promoting “Coronabonds”.[202]
  • Pierre Wunsch – 2017 – As Governor of the National Bank of Belgium signed off on measures involving a 50 billion euro “financial buffer” that he named a “financial bazooka”.[203]
French Covid debt commission

France’s Prime Minister Jean Castex chose the French Covid debt commission to “steer the nation’s deliberations on the future of public finances in the aftermath of the pandemic.” He is not known to have attended the Bilderberg, but 3 of his 10 commissioners have:[204]

  • Beatrice Weder di Mauro – 2016, Laurence Parisot – 2007, Hélène Rey – 2013

Digital Identity

  • Sam Altman – 2016 – 2022 – Tech-millionaire interested in basic income and collection of biometric data such as retina prints.[205]

Unproven/Unclear role

  • Sigrid Kaag – 2019, 2018 – Dutch diplomat and politician who from 2018 sits on the WHO and World Bank Group’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
  • Johanna Rosén – 2017 – Expert on the electrical properties of thin films, including graphene
  • Peter Brabeck-Letmathe – 2011 – Chairman of Nestlé and on the World Economic Forum Board of Trustees


  2.  i.e., MERS, SARS and/or HIV.
  7.  Other Bilderberger pandemic planning experts include: Stefano Silvestri – 1978-1982, 1997 – who attended the 2005 Atlantic Storm; David Gergen – 1992, 1995 – attended Operation Dark Winter that occurred 3 months before the 2001 anthrax attacks; Barbara McDougall – 1993 – attended Atlantic Storm; Klaas de Vries – 2003 – attended Atlantic Storm; Bernard Kouchner – 2005 – attended Atlantic Storm
  56.  The digital response to COVID-19 : Exploring the use of digital technology for information collection, dissemination and social control in a global pandemic
  57.  CommunityFirst solutions for COVID-19: decolonising health crises responses
  59.  Economic and social consequences of human mobility restrictions under COVID-19
  60.  Policy and weather influences on mobility during the early US COVID-19 pandemic
  75. Financial Times
  83.  Twitter, for example, banned private messages containing the word “ivermectin
  89. BitChute , 2020
  91. Fuelling sickness and death in Brazil is the overwhelming amount of disinformation circulating in communities across the country. Masks, physical distancing and the restriction of movement and non-essential activities, are shunned and politicised. In addition, hydroxychloroquine (an anti-malarial medication) and ivermectin (an anti-parasitic drug) are touted by politicians as the panacea to the COVID-19 pandemic and prescribed by doctors as both COVID-19 prophylaxis and treatment.”
  118. YouTube
  128. The Financial Times

  The Truth: About COVID-19 Shots Uncover the shocking truth behind COVID-19 vaccines: contamination, hidden risks, and regulatory failures....